[tony stark] now you know

83.6K 554 179

Warnings: cyborg!reader, tonyxfem!reader, oral - male receiving
Word Count: 2.6k

a/n: i wrote this and never looked back on it and i'm scared to look at the comments, i'm about to bleach my eyes


As a cyborg, you constantly had to make adjustments to the latest technological advancements and updates to your machinery body parts. Nick Fury had taken you in once he found you buried beneath a large mound of snow, barely clinging onto life. As much as you hated those mechanical parts of your body, you were thankful that it saved your life from blistering cold snow and winds. You had been buried in the cold for years, but the cyborg within you remained charged, keeping you alive. Fortunately for you, Tony Stark worked with Fury in order to restore the damaged parts of your form, and you had been close with him since you joined the team those many years ago.

You lay on the examination table as Bruce and Tony tended to your inhumane parts. The machinery took up a majority of your body, while the only fleshy parts were your chest, most of your face, your thighs and, thankfully for you, your reproduction system. With the assistance of the two greatest scientists, they allowed you to make consistent upgrades to your form. However, this time around, they were simply attempting to safely remove, clean, update and replace all cyborg aspects of your body.

"You know, I really appreciate all of what you guys do to help me with this shit. I really am thankful," you grinned at them, ignoring your lack of arms.

"Really, it's a pleasure, with that whole engineering side of me loving this," Tony smiled in response while Bruce cleaned parts of your arms with a toothbrush.

"I can't say the same but the research into this is phenomenal. You can't remember where you got this form from, right?" Bruce intervened.

"Not at all. I can barely remember my childhood, but even then I don't think I had this form. I can't really remember anything from my early adult years, but I do know that I barely age because of the intensive cybernetic aspects to my form," you admitted.

The rest of the session didn't go for long, featuring Tony singing loudly as if he were Bon Scott while Bruce and you sighed, deafened by his noise. "Thank you for cleaning and updating a lot of these mechanics, Bruce," you thanked him with a grin.

"Hey, it's really no problem. I just want to help," he smiled. Bruce had always been caring of you, and you were thankful that you had a friend to speak to whenever Natasha or Wanda couldn't particularly help.

Once your limbs returned to your body, Tony helped you off the examination table and assisted the transition to your bedroom, as you usually felt a bit wobbly after a session. "Now, powering and fixing your head is a bit difficult so I talked to Bruce about it and we've agreed that I program your head because of my engineering history. So just lay down on one of your desks and I'll power you off," Tony explained once you and he reached your room. You simply nodded, putting your complete trust and life into Tony's hands. You lay back on a desk and allowed him to shut you down, allowing you to fall into a deep slumber.

While you slept, Tony stood before your head, trying his best not to stuff everything up and create a catastrophic event. He was restricted with a time limit, meaning he had to quickly and fluently update and refix the cybernetic enhancements to your head.

Fortunately, Tony hadn't taken long to fix and update the mechanics and you were ready in no time. However, the timer was set so you woke when it went off, meaning he had to wait until you woke up. In that time, Tony didn't hesitate to check you out. Since he and Pepper broke up, he couldn't help but take a fondness towards you. He found your form intriguing, and you two had always had an intimate relationship in that you trusted one another. After all, you did literally put your life in his hands.

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