a/n: alrighty guys

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we are gathered here today to commemorate the death of the author....

no we aren't that's a big lie i'm not dead.

happy holidays and happy new year, everyone! i hope that you all have had a fantastic and safe holiday season! if you feel up to it, go ahead and tell me about what you guys did for the holidays and new years! personally, i had a bit of a roller coaster of a time this past month, but everything is slowly working out in my life and i'm feeling a bit better. 

that brings me on to why i've been so inactive....

first and foremost, i apologise for being inactive as hell and not at all updating or posting on this platform. the support has been incredible and i never thought this stupid book would blow up like this. since august, i had some issues regarding my personal relationship and writing on here. i would write whenever i felt down or needed some time to myself and this person didn't understand that and instead made it out like it was a personal hit to our relationship. it really fucked me up and i didn't have the heart to truly put in the effort and write here, and generally writing here just brings back some not good memories. we broke up a few days before christmas and while it was heartbreaking, we are still friends and things are working upwards towards being more understanding and whatnot. i just need to tap out of relationships and stay single for a bit, ya know?

now, having said that, i also haven't been on this site for another reason! i've decided to start up a tumblr, and am focusing on writing a series at the moment. at some point, i'll be converting these little one-shots onto there, so go check it out at: bitchassboinky.tumblr.com 

i'm still trying to get on my feet, so i still won't be using wattpad as much as i have in the past. i hope you all can understand that. 

thank you all so much and i hope you have a fantastic day/night! sending love,

- sofija❤️

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