[wanda maximoff] road trip

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Warnings: wandaxfem!reader, public fingering
Word Count: 1.5k

a/n: "I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, but I'm complaining" yeah, i'm complaining about my cringy ass

The trip to Berlin was as last-minute as last-minuteness could get. As you were in Bratislava at the time, it was ultimately the easiest option to road trip instead of booking a flight. After all, the trip only took about seven hours. What could go wrong? You thought it would be all fun and games, but with the eight-seated van packed to the brim, you were stuck with a seat between the two largest people in the car - Bucky and Steve. Their towering muscular figures made you feel like a child, their arms almost crossing your body completely as they sandwiched you. You knew that if you asked either of them to swap seats, they'd complain about how uncomfortable it was.

The first stop came in Prague after a little over three hours. Everyone exited the car to stretch their legs, heading to a diner not far from where they parked. After energising yourselves with coffee and lunch, you headed back to the car. "I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, but I'm complaining," you piped up as the group and you neared the vehicle. "It is way too cramped in that middle seat between those two super soldiers and I don't really want to be a punching bag anymore."

With Sam and Nat swapping between driving and navigating, you knew that there was no way in hell that the either would swap. Wanda sat alone in the back beside the gear, making it easy to forget that she was there if you hadn't stopped for a break. Obviously, Bucky and Steve had sat in the middle with you, and you truly didn't want to cramp between them.

"Just sit in the back with Wanda," Nat suggested while sliding into the driver's seat. Wanda shrugged and slid into the back, obviously not bothered if you had to sit on her lap in order to be comfortable. After all, you ultimately weighed less than she did. You sighed as you climbed in after her, perching yourself on her knee despite not wanting to, feeling as though you would crush her. A sense of guilt washed over you whenever she moved to make herself comfortable, so you decided to shift forward slightly and use your core to hold yourself up so you didn't apply too much pressure on her leg. The car jerked forward from a hole in the road, and you would have fallen forward if Wanda hadn't slung her arm around your waist to pull you back into a more comfortable position. You glanced back at her with a small smile, which she returned gingerly.

Shifting slightly, you tried to make sure that you both could see the scenery that past on the highway. The highway had a few roadworks coming up, but that was seemingly it, featuring underlying rubble. It wasn't until the car rolled over divots in the road that you realised that you were straddling Wanda's thigh, causing you to accidentally bounce on her lap. A slightly large dip caused the car to jolt harder, ultimately bouncing you a bit more than intended. As a spike of pleasure pulsed between your thighs, your heart pound against your rib cage with your knees enclosed around Wanda's, holding you in that position. You could essentially grind her leg without much effort due to the roadworks and the car's movements. Before the next dip could roll beneath the car, your fingers latched onto the seat in front of you, your knuckles white as you gripped the seat hard. Regardless of how hard you held yourself in that position, your body bounced on Wanda's leg, and it was difficult to hold back pleasured pants. If you were to make a noise, you would wake up Bucky and Steve while also drawing unwanted attention from navigator Sam.

A small puddle formed in your panties and you prayed that Wanda had not paid attention to the feeling on her thigh. The next divot in the road caused you to push your clit into her knee slightly, so slight that she wouldn't notice as much, with goosebumps crawling through your skin. A short, quiet gasp escaped your lips when you felt soft fingers caress your inner thigh, inching closer and closer to your heat. You leaned back into Wanda as her fingers finally reached your covered cunt, rubbing slow circles on your clit. Your hips rocked back and forth on her leg, her hand moving with your actions to stimulate more pleasure. You bit your lip hard to prevent any sounds coming out of your mouth.

"You better stop squirming," Wanda whispered as quiet as a mouse. All you could do was agree and halt your movements. You took that moment to stop and think about what was happening. There you sat in the backseat of a car, sitting on a hot girl's lap, being touched by the said hot girl, while two of your best friends navigated your way to your destination and two ninety-year-old men slept peacefully in the seats in front of you. You knew that you should push her hand away and close your legs, enduring the ride, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. It felt so wrong, yet so right. At that moment, nothing really mattered, and all you wanted was to feel her fingers inside of you.

"Please, Wanda," you mumbled into her neck, your panties soaked. She knew what you wanted and gently placed her fingers beneath the waistband of your panties, pushing them down at an agonizing pace. As soon as they were down your thighs, Wanda pressed her cool hand against the warmth of your cunt. You sucked in a breath as she rubbed her fingers up and down your folds, spreading your wetness. She rubbed your clit a little longer until she rubbed her fingers down your folds. Teasing at first, two chilled fingers slowly pressed into your wet entrance. Wanda's other hand slapped itself over your mouth to quieten your moans as she unhurriedly pumped her fingers in and out of you, curling them up to hit your g-spot as she pulled them out to her fingertips. She held you tight against her, your back pressed into her with your head in her neck, her hand not moving from your mouth.

As she fingered you, you found your fingers and knuckles white from gripping onto the back of the seat in front of you. You removed your hands from their position and reached them back, fixing one hand in her long auburn hair as the other climbed her shirt. You swivelled your body slightly so you legs draped across hers with her fingers still working at you. Glancing at the front seat for a moment, you removed the hand in her hair and tore her hand from your mouth, attaching your lips to her neck immediately. You kissed and nibbled silently at the skin as your other hand crawled beneath her bra, massaging the tender area. You could feel the knot in your lower abdomen tightening as Wanda began moving her fingers faster, unable to control herself due to how erotic it was to have you touch her breasts and kiss her neck as she fingered you. A bump in the road pushed her fingers in you further than anticipated, and you threw your head back to moan. Knowing of the consequences, she attached her lips to yours, silencing your inevitable sounds.

Wanda moved her fingers harder and faster than she did before after the bump in the road, and you came undone with a jerk of your hips. She slowed her finger movements to ride out your high before pulling them out of you. She sucked her fingers clean of your juices and pulled you into a kiss, your tongues dancing as she let you taste yourself. You bit her bottom lip when you pulled away, a smirk on your lips. "Thank you," you whispered into her ear as she readjusted your panties and skirt. She kissed your head in response and turned you back so you were facing the front again, her arms wrapped around your waist.

When the car came to a stop in front of the hostel late at night, you stood up slightly in the car, bent over so you wouldn't smack your head into the roof of the car. This caused your ass to position itself right in front of Wanda's face, and she couldn't resist leaning forward to press a small kiss to each cheek. With a blush on your cheeks, you awoke the two super soldiers and everyone soon filed out of the car.

"[y/n], you're rooming with Wanda for the night," Nat winked at you as she opened the trunk of the car with three keys in her hand. Your head went straight to Wanda, who waved at you with a smile on her lips as if she didn't just bring you to orgasm in the car. It sure was going to be a long night.

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