a/n: ah shit

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(featuring a brian may mood)

Hi darlings,

So... my life is a shithole right now and I can't update frequently, which I really apologise for. I've joined a Stage One Psychology class (meaning I'm in a class that's a year above my current year level, so I'm surrounded by older people) and I'm stressed out because of upcoming SAT's. On top of that, I'm seeing a not-so-organised psychologist every two weeks.


I have a whole bunch of drafts in the making at the moment and I have some future plans for further works.

If you have bothered to even read this, please let me know if you would be willing to read a one-shot/imagine series, featuring both actors and characters from a variety of television series and movies/movie franchises! I would really, greatly appreciate any feedback or requests regarding that!

It's 12am and I just felt the need for a quick update on what's happening here. I promise that I'll try and get some works on the way soon.

Sending love💓
- sofija♡

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