[bucky barnes] a game with a goddess

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Warnings: goddess!reader, buckyxfem!reader, dom!reader, oral sex, unprotected sex
Word Count: 1.8k

a/n: i updated this and wrote it so much better pls check it out in my new book ily babes <3




It was two in the morning, yet there the whole team and you sat in a circle, shot glasses in one hand while the other held up five fingers. Being that you had the week off, you decided to act like miserable teenagers and play 'Never Have I Ever'. Half of the team were tipsy while the other simply tired, the odd few in a combination of both.

"It's your turn, [y/n]," Tony, on the tipsy side, yelled enthusiastically.

"Okay! Never have I ever had a one night stand," you admitted after a moment of thoughtful thinking. Tony almost spat out his chaser, though seven members, including Tony, all took a shot.

"Never?" he asked, astounded. You nodded.

"Are you not the goddess of sex?" Thor asked, tilting his head, puzzled.

"Indeed I am, darling, but I would never indulge in a one night stand. Regardless of race or species, beings deserve respect. I'm single now, but I have had long-lasting, incredibly intimate, respectful relationships in the past and not once did I make love with someone less than twice because I don't like feeling guilty," you explained. "Anyway, next question," you said, turning to Peter. You had no idea why anyone let him join in, being that he was only a mere child to you. In fact, he was literally a child. You were seemingly a mother figure to him, just like Tony was his father figure.

"Never have I ever seen anyone in the team naked," he admitted, causing everyone else to groan.

"Well, I guess we know who's winning tonight. You're innocent as hell, kid," Steve chuckled before taking a shot.

"Well, there have been times where I've been bored and decided to open different windows and doors telekinetically. I have seen many things that my eyes should have never seen," you admitted, traumatised as you reflected. You mimicked Steve's action and downed a shot.

"Righteo. Never have I ever walked in on someone masturbating or someone having sex," Tony announced, proud. This time, most of the group turned to you, eyebrows raised and waiting for a response as you took the shot.

"[y/n], surely you would know when that stuff is happening," Loki sighed.

"I may have telekinetic abilities, an extraordinary metabolism and few heightened senses, but I lack the heightened sense of hearing," you rolled your eyes as a few of the guys as well as Nat blushed, knowing that you had walked in on them. "However, sometimes I've been close enough to hear. Most of you boys disgust the hell out of me, you nasties. Let me go grab a bottle of red."

You wore a flowy white halter maxi dress with slits at the front, the fabric flowing behind you as you walked to the kitchen with sway in your hips. You returned shortly, wine glass in one hand and a bottle of red wine in the other. The game continued once you had returned. "Never have I ever been turned on by [y/n]," Clint laughed as the boys, aside from the few committed or young, blushed a deep red and drank. The game carried on until almost everyone was drunk.

"Alright, boys and... two girls, I think it's time for you all to head to bed," you spoke caringly, placing the glasses on the table in front of you as you stood. You went to shuffle forward, but your foot caught onto the bottom of your dress, causing it to pull down and press hard against your breasts. You blushed as everyone evidently saw your hardened nipples from your lack of bra, quickly falling back down onto the chair and covering yourself. You panned over the room and saw Bucky fidgeting in his seat, obviously uncomfortable.

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