[pietro maximoff] bet

55.8K 530 430

Warnings: pietroxfem!reader, unprotected sex, oral sex - female receiving, squirting
Word Count: 3.5k


You collapsed onto the leather couch, sinking into the fabric as your gear clung to your body like second skin. A gun hung loosely from your dominant hand, swaying as your arm slung over the side of the couch. "Good work out there, kid," Steve commented as he walked past, patting your shoulder swiftly. You weakly smiled up at him in response before turning your attention back to the dark wood coffee table, eyes scanning over the unique lines and patterns. You completely tuned out, the sounds of chatter and the faint running water like whispers beneath white noise. All you could think about, all you could envision was dark crimson splattering thick layers of bright snow as you knocked down agent by agent. While you had no control over how you used your powers, and while you had no control over you did when you were under, you could remember everything – every little detail from harming someone, particularly if that someone was an innocent bystander who got in the way. Six months in Slovenia, and every moment you spent there went straight to your long-term memory. There had been times where you wished that you got into a horrible accident so you didn't have to remember the trauma. You couldn't understand why you couldn't just forget some events, especially those that were more significant than others to your mental health. You could replay each memory episodically, recalling each detail and experiencing the emotions you felt when it happened as you recalled the memory. From the time you first stepped foot on the snowy grounds, to when you collapsed on the jet on the ride home, you remembered it all.

"Hello? Earth to [y/n]?" a male voice called, dragging you out of your thoughtful state. Your eyes seemed to roll to the back of your head before you turned your attention back to reality. Leaning back and looking up, you saw Pietro standing above you with a worried expression plastered on his face.

Correct, Pietro was still alive. Thanks to your powers and new recruitment a year before Ultron, you managed to save his body before he had the chance to pass away. You had grown a strong relationship since then, and while you took a fondness to the Maximoff twin, you didn't let it get in the way of your bond.

"Yes? What is it, Pietro?" you asked quietly, locking eyes with his.

"I've been calling you for the past five minutes. Is everything alright?" he inquired anxiously.

Everyone had always told you that the speedster had treated you different from others as if you were special to him. Many often told you that he treated you as if he had a big, fat crush on you, but you didn't believe them. Wanda would try to convince you that this was true, yet you still did not believe her – and she could read minds. Pietro was charming, an outstanding piece of beauty, and you were...well, you were you. That obviously didn't stop you from continuing to have a dramatic, ongoing love for the Sokovian.

"I'm okay. Just thinking about everything that's happened," you sighed. Finally, you placed your gun down on the coffee table to run your hand through your knotted hair. "I'm sure that everything will clear from my mind when I shower," you attempted to reassure.

However, Pietro didn't seem so convinced. "Well, I'm always down the hall if you need me," he weakly smiled, though his expression never faded. You nodded, and he left without another word. As soon as he had walked away to partake in his own activities, you stood from your couch-potato-like position and made your way to your bedroom. Walking hurt, pain stinging your hamstrings and hips with every step, your core tight and your shoulders pulled down by heavyweights. Perhaps you would take a bath instead, to relieve some of the physical pain you were feeling.

You did just that, running a hot bath in your en-suite. Murky pastel water filled the tub almost to the brim, lustre appearing throughout the surface from the silvery Lush bath melt. The subtle scent wasn't enough to surpass the grotty metallic scent of blood from your gear and skin, thus you lit a few lavender candles and propped them up around the bathroom. You discarded your navy blue uniform, dropping it into the washing basket in the corner of the bathroom before stepping into the water. Your body sunk into the hot liquid, relaxing your muscles instantly. You let your head bob up above the surface, your arms folded across your stomach as you let the aroma and heat wash over you. Eyes closed, you distracted your mind from dark thoughts. You thought about them for a moment before letting them go like balloons, cementing in the back of your mind. The calming environment rippled through your body, and you finally, for the first time in six months, found yourself in a rather...erotic state of mind. To justify your actions and thoughts, it had been half a year since you had any sort of sexual interaction.  Your mind took over with visuals of Pietro doing wonders to your body, and you couldn't help but trail your hand lower and lower until it reached your warm cunt.

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