[thor odinson] hungover care

41.4K 204 121

Warnings: thorxmale!reader / boyxboy, oral
Word Count: 2.4k

a/n: some of y'all gotta read these warnings n shit up here i swear-


It was one of your friend's birthdays, so you couldn't say no to going out with him. Shot after shot entered your system, intoxicating you in no time due to the intense alcohol consumption. The world seemed to sway around you with people dancing and EDM music blasting through your ears. "A Heineken, please," you called to the bartender, who, despite noticing your intoxicated state, continued to serve you the beer. You slid over a note with your backed turned to find your friends. As soon as you heard a faint clink on the bar, you turned back around and grinned at him before you grabbed the cool green glass, raising it to him for a moment before turning around and taking a long sip. You swallowed it like water, even though the liquid left an awful taste in your mouth.

You remembered resting the bottle back on the bar for a moment as you pulled your phone out, eyes focussed on the bright screen. Fumbling with the keys for a moment, your eyes found themselves on the blurry letters of [y/f/n], not being about to find him. You typed the message as quickly as you could in your state before slipping it back into the back pocket of your denim jeans. Turning back to the bar, you picked up your drink and took a long gulp, half of the bottle's contents pouring easily down your throat. A goofy grin found itself on your face as your head pleasantly buzzed from the alcohol consumption.

"Woah there, [y/n], I think you've had enough to drink," the familiar voice of [y/f/n] popped up from behind you, his hands firmly rested on your wrists. "I'll get you a ride home, okay?"

"No no, I'm fine, really," you hiccupped as you turned to face him, your toothy smile not falling from your face as you stared at him with your eyes half open.

"Sure," he rolled his eyes as he lifted you from the bar stool. He draped your arm across his shoulders as he led you outside, making sure that you didn't crash and fall onto someone. Despite his efforts to contain you, you slipped from his grasp and crashed into a muscular back.

"Well hello there," a deep voice chuckled. The man turned around and lifted you up, letting you cuddle into his warm chest.

"Ah fuck, I'm so sorry," your friend quickly intervened, struggling to pull you away from the stranger.

"It's okay, truly," the handsome stranger informed in an accent, placing his almost-empty glass on the table beside him. "I'll take your friend here outside."

"Really, it's okay," [y/f/n] spoke worriedly, though it sounded like a bunch of nonsense to your ears. You hazily looked up at the face of the stranger you were cuddling and bit your lip as you took in his features.

"You're really handsome," you giggled, your eyes red and teary.

"Come on, [y/n]," your friend sighed. Once more did he sling your arm around his shoulders as he and the stranger maneuvered you outside the bar. "Thank you for helping me get him out of there," you could faintly hear your friend say to the stranger.

"It's no problem," he replied as he held you upright. "I noticed that you were out here for a birthday, am I correct?" You muted the rest of the conversation as you leant against the muscular frame, your head perched nicely on his left pectoral. Your eyes fluttered closed and you felt strong arms quickly hold you up before the world around you fell black.

You awoke the following morning groggily, a pounding headache sufficing quickly. You released a groan in an attempt to externally express your pain. Your arm slung over your face quickly to ease the blinding light and you took deep breaths before finally moving your arm away. Immediately, you knew that you weren't in your home. Normally, you would awake to a vanilla-coffee duo fragrance and your eyes would find themselves gazing at a DVD-scattered floor. Instead, you awoke to a musky, manly scent and you peered around at a minimalist room. Hearing a slight creaking noise, your head snapped to the door and you let out a groan at the fast movement.

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