[steve rogers] unexpected company

92.8K 883 1K

Warnings: stevexfem!reader, oral sex, unprotected sex
Note: the white rose symbolises purity, innocence and sympathy, thus the name Bela Ruža (SRB)
Word Count: 3.5k

a/n: i am BAWLING babes what the fuck


Ever since they first showed up on the scene, you had always adored and loved the Avengers. What you didn't know at that time was that you would become one of them. Tony approached you for an internship position not long after New York, as you assisted in protecting civilians. However, instead of being an assistant or working in an office as you had expected, Nick Fury and the Avengers had researched you; they knew of your abilities. You recalled the first day you showed up to the tower, expecting to be escorted into an office. Instead, Pepper Potts herself brought you into a meeting room.

"Everyone, this is [y/n] [l/n]. She has various abilities and with enough training, I would like her to join the Avengers. If anyone has any questions regarding this, please ask now," Fury spoke to the room of heroes, making you stand beside him. You could only muster up a small wave to everyone, as you were overwhelmed with so many emotions that you almost froze.

"What exactly are her abilities?" Captain America, the beauty in Steve Rogers, asked almost immediately, no consultation from anyone. You had always admired Steve, for his leadership and overall being. He was also extremely attractive, so you couldn't help but adore him.

"It's quite a big list, but they're all relative with one another. I have the abilities of power negation and power erasure, invisibility, and enhanced combat, which includes agility, reflexes and durability, with somewhat enhanced strength," you answered for Fury. Murmurs surrounded the room once you had finished listing your expertise.

"As you all can see, [y/n] here is quite a special one. We've brought her into the team to help her strengthen and control these strengths, and you all will help her do as such. Meeting dismissed," Fury concluded before anyone could get a word in from their bewilderment.

"Welcome to the team, kid," Natasha said as she walked past you, her hand brushing your shoulder. Your face turned bright red at her action. You then turned to Fury, who didn't move from his position.

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