[loki laufeyson] a release

75.9K 630 404

Warnings: lokixfem!reader, unprotected sex, oral sex - female receiving
Word Count: 2.2k

a/n: y'all know loki is a kinky mf don't come for me for writing him that way

Since you were a little, innocent Asgardian girl, you had always wondered what it was like to go to Midgard. Your father had told you many tales of the place as you grew up, and you made it your mission to one day visit. Not only did your father tell you tales throughout your younger years, but he taught you how to fight like a true warrior like himself. Prince Loki had always secretly been your best friend, and it wasn't until the issue with him in the city named New York did you visit Midgard for the first time. Thor had noticed your combat abilities and dragged you into the situation once he had discovered that Loki was your best friend, hoping that your presence would calm his brother. However, things didn't particularly go to plan, and you almost died. Thor didn't let you live it down. Instead, he blamed himself for what happened. Since that day, you hadn't left Asgard, all thanks to the supposed noble side of Prince Thor. Regardless, he did let you live in the palace with him and his brother.

"Good morning, Thor," you chirped as you strolled into a lounging area, where the prince sat on the couch flipping Mjolnir in his hand.

"Good morning, Lady [y/n]," he smiled briefly before turning back to his thoughtful expression, continuing to flip his mighty hammer. You sat across from him and took a deep breath.

"I have a question," you asked, fiddling at the bottom of your dress.

"And what may that be?" he responded, catching Mjolnir and halting his movements.

"I was wondering if I could go back to Midgard soon," your voice came out as a squeak as you asked him, looking up at him hopefully.

"Of course not!" Thor said abruptly, standing from his seat as if it was an outrageous idea.

"Why not?" you asked, your voice raised now.

"You almost died last time you were there, and that is on me. I cannot let you go back due to the dangers there, Lady [y/n], and that is final," he raised his voice, slamming Mjolnir onto the table in front of you.

"What else did you expect to happen in battle? It's not like I died! I'm still in the flesh!" you yelled, frustrated with his decision.

"I should have never brought you to Midgard," Thor scoffed, "Regardless, your life is important to Asgard, and we cannot afford to lose another warrior."

"You've literally almost died countless time despite being in line for the throne," you sneered, your arms waving around the air frantically due to your annoyance.

"And as the next in line to the throne, I forbid you to leave Asgard," he countered. Exasperated, you let out a ridiculous noise and stormed out of the room, your cheerful mood disintegrated. As you angrily stomped down the hallway with your head down, you bumped into a hard object. You stumbled back, aggravated even more.

"Lady [y/n], you seem happy," the God of Mischief joked as he noticed your expression.

"Oh yes, I am completely and utterly happy! So happy that I could just jump with joy, right over that balcony!" you spoke sarcastically. Loki frowned and stared into your eyes. Knowing he was reading your mind, you groaned in frustration.

"Oh, can you believe it? You almost die because of him one time and you can't return to the same place in case the situation repeats itself! How outrageous!" he said acrimoniously. Rage clouded your mind and it took all your might not to strangle him. "Thor just wants you to be safe, my dear. Now, come with me to spar so you can calm down a bit."

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