[bucky barnes] closer

87.8K 862 1K

Warnings: buckyxfem!reader, kinda jealous bucky, oral sex, unprotected sex, facial
Note: somewhat based off of the song "closer" by nine inch nails (also look at how hot seb is i love him so much)
Word Count: 3.8k

a/n: no wait i kinda liked this one (btw 100% calling out all of you underage babies wtf are you doing here)


"Alright [y/n], we really need you to do this mission for us," Tony interrupted your reading session, not bothering to knock on your bedroom door. You sat in your window seat, legs propped up with The Da Vinci Code resting in your lap. You closed your eyes as soon as you heard Tony's voice, wanting to break his body for ruining your session.

"Can't you see that I'm a bit busy going through all of these books?" you complained once you opened your eyes to glance at him, gesturing towards a stacked pile of paperback books resting on the floor.

"Yes, I can, but that isn't quite as important as this mission," he responded, walking over to you and grabbing the book from your lap. He marked the page and placed it down on your desk, not realising your seething rage. "Come with me to the meeting room so we can discuss this," he ordered. You rolled your eyes in response, lifting yourself from your comfortable position and following him with your arms folded and a pout resting on your lips.

"Someone looks a bit grumpy," Sam joked once you had walked into the meeting room, where you saw him sitting at the table across from Steve and Bucky.

"This dickhead over here decided to ruin my reading session, so of fucking course, I'm grumpy right now," you nearly shouted, venom dripping from your tone of voice as you death-stared Tony.

"Language!" Steve groaned, flailing his arms in the air drastically.

"Cap it, Rogers," you growled, pointing towards him. He shut up immediately, causing Bucky to let out a low chuckle. You rolled your eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time in the past five minutes before taking a seat next to Sam, directly across from Bucky. "So what is this mission that you oh so dearly needed me to work on?" you asked as you poured yourself a glass of water.

"Well, I am so glad you asked, [y/n]. Now, you're the only female position we have left, with Wanda and Vision together and Nat threatening to break my spine and put me in a wheelchair if I forced her to do it," Tony introduced with a shit-eating grin on his face. You took a sip of water as you braced yourself for what he wanted from you, staring in his direction coldly. "You're going to have to work for a strip club for a couple of weeks."

You spat out the mouthful of water, spraying Sam's face in the process. He didn't know how to react and sat there with his eyes closed for a minute before a long sigh escaped his lips.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" you now screamed, standing from your seat.

"You're our only option, [y/n]. Please, it's for a good cause," Steve intervened before you could jump across the table to tackle Tony. "If you won't listen to Tony, then just hear me out. Please."

Your chest rose up and down rapidly as you attempted to calm down, a frown permanently fixed on your face. "Fine," you scoffed, sitting back down as Steve stood up and replaced Tony's position, who had retrieved Sam a wipe for his face. You looked across at Bucky, his steel blue eyes fixated on the interaction and the smallest of smiles on his face.

"We have a terrorist group known as the Vikings going around town, feeding confidential information to higher powers. They reside at a strip club called The Palace. If we do not interfere now, the possibility of another catastrophic event occurring skyrockets. [y/n], we need you to fake-work there for about two weeks, retrieve behavioural information from the girls backstage and what they usually do when there, and report back to us every day for those two weeks. Bucky's heading in with you and he'll become a regular customer for as long as you work there, to keep track of everything and find information from our guys," Steve explained to you. You let out a sigh and leant back into the chair, raising your arm to rub your temples with your hand thoughtfully. "Please, [y/n], we really need you to do this."

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