[tony stark] at last

45.9K 392 272

Warnings: tonyxfem!reader, oral - male receiving, unprotected sex
A/N jesus, I finally got around to finishing this! I apologise for slow as fuck updates. anyway, please enjoy
Word Count: 3.5k

a/n: @ past sof, what the fuck ? kind regards, you from the future


You had dreaded the date with all your heart. Valentine's Day was right around the corner, and you knew that you were to spend the day alone in your bedroom, helping yourself to a family sized pizza while crying and watching romance movies. It had been your tradition since you experienced your first heartbreak as a young sixteen-year-old girl. Prior to that year, you would watch as couples walked by hand-in-hand, grinning from ear to ear and publically presenting their love for one another. You hoped and prayed that you would experience those emotions, but when your five-month relationship ended a few days before Valentine's Day, those aspirations went out the bathroom window like your mother on the day of her first wedding. You distanced yourself from relationships after the horrible memory and refused to go out with anyone regardless of your age of forty. Though you didn't want to go out with anyone, you had a keen eye for a special man in your life - Tony Stark. However, you knew that you were going to get nowhere with Tony, as he had Pepper and he seemed happy with her. Watching them be happy made you sick to your stomach, but you continued to push through around them with a fake smile. You knew that you never had a chance with him - after all, you were just an intern who happened to live in the tower with the Avengers themselves.

Tired eyed and craving caffeine at six in the morning, you trudged into the kitchen wearing a gold-coloured men's Jungles JUNGLES "Who Gives A Shit" shirt and plain black knee socks, no pants on. You had such a close relationship with the Avengers that you didn't particularly care about what they thought of your appearance. You placed your Louis Theroux mug beneath the spout, resting on the drip tray, and pushed a few buttons before leaning back and waiting for your mug to fill with hot liquid. As you waited, you sat up on the counter with your back pressed against the glasses cabinet, eyes barely open. Although your legs spread apart slightly to expose your black underwear, you didn't care for it, even when you heard footsteps echo throughout the kitchen walls.

"Good morning, Ms. [y/l/n]," Tony spoke in a low voice. You could tell that he was trying his best to speak with a spark in his soul, but you knew otherwise.

"Good morning, Tony. Are you okay?" you asked worriedly, your eyes peeping open for a moment to take a look at him. He wore a simple black shirt and grey sweatpants, his naturally curly hair appearing as a bird's nest at how messy it was. Evident dark bags lined the area beneath his puffy red eyes. At your question, his teeth tugged at his bottom lip, knowing that you knew something was wrong.

"Not really," Tony answered honestly, a sigh leaving his parted red lips as he ran his hand through his thick locks.

"Care to tell me what's wrong?" you asked as you jumped down from the white marble counter. You went to saunter towards him, but the beeping of the coffee machine interrupted you.

"Just some things with Pepper," he mumbled, walking towards you to reach behind you and grab a coffee mug as you removed your mug and finished making your morning beverage. The close proximity enclosed you beneath him, his figure towering above your smaller frame and trapping you against him and the counter. For a moment, you glanced up at him, scanning his face with concerned eyes and reddened cheeks.

"Come sit with me in my office so we can talk, please," you asked while wriggling out from under him, the very top of your head brushing his bicep. You carefully maneuvered yourself to your office, making sure that you didn't accidentally spill your caffeinated beverage as you walked. Faintly, you heard Tony's footsteps follow after you until you reached the neatly organised room. You placed your mug onto a metallic coaster on your dark wooden desk before you pulled over two plush chairs, motioning for Tony to sit as you sat opposite him, crossed-legged on the seat.

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