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Few days passed by and today was the first day of collage of them. Co-incidentally the five are in same college. The three collected their timetables and id cards. Then Abhinat showed them around the college as there was time for class. Just then Jaan bumped into someone and her bag fell down. 

Jaan: Sorry sir, I didn't see you. 

Sid/Jai/Reem: Sir? 

Abhi signalled them to keep quiet. 

T: Its ok, and sorry, even I wasn't also seeing. 

He smiled at her and went. 

Abhi: What the hell. 

Jaan: Exactly, did he just...

Abhi: Say sorry and smile at you? 

Jaan: Means it wasn't an illusion. 

Sid: What's wrong guys? And wasn't that boy too young to be a teacher? 

Abhi: Yeah, he is just replacing one of the teachers as he is admitted in hospital. Once that teacher is back he'll leave. And its been already 7 months. 

Jai: But why were you both so shocked? 

Abhi: He is known for his rude behaviour. He never speaks much, and if he does, not too politely. And no one has ever seen him smile. Today is the first time he smiled, that too at Jaan. Have you done anything? 

Jaan: Other than bumping into him, no. And I still remember he had scolded a girl badly on the last day of our first year when she bumped into him. Maybe something happened during the vacations. And he teaches only first year, so we won't have him but you all will. 

Reem: Ok. Now its time for class, we'll go. 

They went to their classes. In the class Jaireem sat together and Sid sat in a different bench. 

Sm1: Excuse me, can I sit here? 

He turned to see a girl. He smiled and nodded as she returned the smile while sitting. 

Sid: You look irritated in the start of the day? 

Sm1: Ughh yeah, that rude, irritating, annoying boy spoiled my mood. 

Sid: Hmm. Myself Sidd...

Sm1: Siddharth Nigam. 

Sid: Uh yeah. 

Sm1: I know you, we were in the same school. 

Sid: Sorry, I don't remember seeing you there. 

Sm1: Its ok. But I've seen you many times. Btw mysel... 

She stopped as she teacher entered and all stood up to wish him. 

T: Good morning students. 

Sm1: Its that boy. 

Sid: The one who spoiled your mood? 

Sm1: No, that boy was differen... wait, he is our teacher? 

Sid: Yeah. 

Sm1: I thought he is a student here. 

Sid said her what Abhi had said. Then they turned to the front. 

T: Good morning students. So I will be teaching you Physics this year. 

S: What the f*ck. 

Sid and the girl heard someone in front of them say in a low tone. 

T: Firstly, I don't appreciate cursing, and if you can't stop yourself from cursing, you have no other option during my class at least. 

He said, looking straight at the person who cursed and all were shocked as he said it in a very low voice. 

S: Sorry sir. 

S2: May I come in sir? 

T: Why are you late? 

S2: Sir, I was collecting my id card, but there was some misprinting so it took a bit long. 

T: Go and sit, and next time make sure you are not late. 

S2: Yes sir. 

T: Ok, so now all of you introduce yourselves. Just your name. 

One by one all introduced themselves. The girl next to Sid was about to say her name when someone's phone rang taking everyone's attention. 

T: Whose phone is it? 

S3: Sorry sir, its mine. 

T: Why were you using your phone in the class? 

S3: Sir I wasn't, I just took it to switch it off. 

T: Don't lie. 

He went and took the phone. 

P: It's warm, meaning it was on for a long time now. And I saw your panicked look as you continuously tapped on your phone when it rang. And you...

He said turning to the girl next to the student when he stopped for few seconds seeing her. 

T: Why didn't you stop him or inform me? 

S4: I didn't notice it. 

T: Oh, the phone's screen was shining so brightly and you didn't notice it? 

S4: But... 

T: Stop, stop arguing now, don't repeat it next time. I'm your teacher, not a friend who you keep arguing with. 

The girl looked a bit hurt and angry by his words but hid it. 

S4: Yes 'sir'. 

She said while stressing on sir sarcastically which he ignored and went back to the front. 

T: Take your phone after the class. 

S3: Yes sir. 

Then all completed their introduction but Sid's bench got skipped by mistake. 

S5: Sir, what is your name? 

T: Why, do they ask you your teacher's name during exams? 

S5: No sir. 

She said and sat down quietly. Soon the class started. Once the class got over all were about to leave when. 

T: Avneet Kaur and Manav Shergill, stay back. Others can go. 

All except them left. 

T: Manav, take your mobile. Next time it should be in your bag, switched off or I can assure you you'll never get to see it again. 

Manav: Yes sir. And sorry. 

T: Hmm. 

Manav left and the teacher turned to Avneet. 

T: I'll give you some books Avnee, gi...

Avu: Its Avneet. 

T: Oh, Ms. Avneet Kaur, kindly give these books to Mrs. Singhania. 

He said in a sarcastic tone to which she rolled her eyes. 

Avu: I just corrected you as you are my teacher, so have no right to call me any nick names. 

T: Really? I didn't know it. I wasn't saying any nick name, just missed out the last letter. And how many times should I remind you that this is no way to talk to your teacher? Anyways, give these books to Mrs. Singhania, she wanted to talk to you about something. 

She was confused but nodded and went, not before giving him a look which he ignored, taking his books and going. Avneet reached Mrs. Singhania's table.  



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Hope you liked the chapter.

Avneet fought with her physics teacher on the first day itself. 😂

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