Chapter~ 43

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Fais: 2 hours?  

Jai: She was in front of that house for 2 hours, not knowing what to do, until I reached there with my parents. They took her to an orphanage which they were sure is good and we met regularly. 

Fais: It's good they didn't adopt her, but why? 

Jai: Even I don't know, but they must have thought something. They still loved her like their own daughter though. And once she turned 18 she started living somewhere else so they couldn't meet her as much. 

Fais: Ohk. 

He decided to take a chance and ask as his mind kept thinking of how similar their incidents are. 

Fais: Did you and your friend used to call each other sunshine? 

Reem: Yeah. 

Fais: Are you sure you saw her dead? 

Reem: Yes I did but why are you asking this? How do you know we called each other sunshine? 

Fais said everything that Vaish had said. 

Reem: She was 3 years younger to me. Everything is the same, but... 

Fais: Do you remember your address? 

Reem: No. 

Jai: But I remember the area and the date. 

Reem got a hope hearing all this. 

Fais: You both should talk to Vaish about it. 

Reem: You are not coming? 

Fais: What will I do by coming? You three talk. 

She hummed. They went to Vaish's room, Avu was already there. 

Moving to Naina, 

Naina: Who is it Kashish? 

Kashish: I don't know, he just said he wanted to talk to you. It was an unknown number. You talk no, you'll know who it is. 

Naina took the phone and unmuted. 

Naina: Hello. 

Sameer: Hi, it's me, Sameer. 

Naina stood up shocked. 

Naina: Sameer, you? 

Sameer: Yeah. Listen, I am coming to Mumbai today. 

Naina: Why? I mean have you thought of something? 

Sameer: Yes, a couple from my village are with me. They can ask for your hand from your parents as my aunt and uncle, if you want. 

Naina: Of course I want it. 

She said happily and excitedly. 

Naina: But Sameer, isn't it too soon to marry? And what if my parents don't agree? 

Sameer: We don't have to marry now, but if it's a yes we can meet each other often. I'll be in Mumbai itself for few days. And about your parents, then we have to depend on our fate I guess. 

Naina: Even I'll try my best to do anything needed to convince them. 

Kashish: I'm also ready to help, I can talk to them and convince them if they deny. 

Naina smiled. 

Naina: You were trying to get us together since so long and here I didn't do anything at all. 

Sameer: You did no, you made me fall in love with you, or I wouldn't have put these efforts only. 

A smile formed on her face hearing this. 

Sameer: Naina I'll go now, have to finish the packing, I'll be in Mumbai by tomorrow. 

Naina: Really? 

She asked getting excited. 

Sameer: Yeah. Bye, love you. 

She blushed. 

Naina: Bye. 

She glanced at Kashish once and then said in low voice so that she doesn't hear. 

Naina: Love you too. 

He chuckled knowing the reason after keeping the call. On the other side Naina hugged Kashish happily. 

Kashish: I know you are very happy and excited to meet jijaji, but don't kill me, let me breathe. 

Naina moved back, not responding to her words. 

Naina: I never thought he'll come up with such a plan. 

Kashish: But di will you both live in Mumbai or his village? 

Naina: I don't know, mostly his village, I don't want him to leave behind his birth place, family and tradition for me and I love it as well. I don't think it will be too difficult getting adjusted there as all seemed friendly and I'll have him with me. And there is a lot of time, if he wants to do some job here or anything then also I have no problem. 

Kashish smiled and hummed. 

Kashish: Seeing you it doesn't feel that till few minutes back you were sulking so much that maa had to call Vibha aunty that day. 

Naina: I guess this is how love makes a person. 

Kashish: Seeing how much happiness love gives, I can't wait to find my the one. 

Naina: You'll also find him soon. 

Kashish smiled. Meanwhile Reem and Vaish figured out the person Reem saw wasn't Vaish but her cousin who had unexpectedly arrived and that they are only each other's childhood best friend. Finally all the mysteries in their lives were solved, no more secrets were there between the group. Faisnat and Samaina may not be together yet, but they had taken the right path just like the other couples. 



Hey guys

Hope you liked the chapter.

This was the last chapter. I know it is nowhere near a proper ending and was very abrupt, but honestly the response demotivated me so much that I am not able to continue, how much ever I try. I had much more planned for this book but it will have to end here. The next chapter will be the epilogue. Sorry for ending it like this. 

Stay tuned


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