Chapter~ 36

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Vaish was waiting for Fais to come out after changing while scrolling through her phone. After sometime he came and saw her busy in the phone.

Fais: Vaishu.

He said, taking her attention and she kept her phone aside.

Vaish: I wanted to talk about Jaan.

Fais: What about her?

Vaish: It's clear she loves you Fais, then what is holding you back?

Fais: Leave that no.

Vaish: No Fais, I can't. What is the problem here? It can't be about her not loving you, earlier you had a misunderstanding that she loves someone else but eventually you found out she loves you. You clearly love her and accept it also. It's not about the children also as she has already accepted them. And it's not about you being shy also, because you are not, it would be understandable in her case. I said all the problems possible and said how it doesn't exist in your case also.

Fais: I don't want to talk about it.

Vaish: You'll have to. You both were free from the regular schedule during the trip, why would you miss such a big chance? If you were planning something I would have no problem, but you are avoiding the topic only, which means you don't have any plan. Just tell me the reason you don't want to propose her.

Fais: I can't explain it, how do I make you understand?

Vaish: Are you waiting for her to propose you?

Fais: No, in fact I am wishing she doesn't.

Vaish: What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you not taking your relationship with her further? What is stopping you?

She was now getting frustrated and angry, but he kept his calm.

Fais: Like I said, I can't explain it. Please try to understand.

Vaish: Ok wait, you can't explain, I can't understand, leave all that. But you can't leave her hanging like this, specially after giving so clear signals that you love her.

Fais: Signals?

Vaish: Your behaviour around her, the way you acted during this trip, you blushing today, you think no one noticed all this? Maybe unknowingly, but you gave her every signal Fais, which must have made her sure you love her. While coming here I saw Jai going to her room. And I am 100% sure he must be talking about the same with her.

Fais: Vaish I... I don't know what to do. Can we please talk about it later?

Vaish: You can avoid talking about it with me, but how will you avoid her proposing you? She must be ready to propose you now. You wishing for it to not happen won't stop her.

Fais: There has to be some way to stop her, I don't want to break her heart by saying no.

Vaish: Or you don't want the hope and chances of you both getting together to finish?

Her tone changed while saying this.

Vaish: Talking to you is useless right now, but I would suggest just one thing, share your problem with her, she'll understand. But then again, according to what you are saying you can't explain it.

She went from there. He knew she is angry so didn't stop her. Meanwhile downstairs, Abhi saw her and understood she is angry, but waited till after dinner to talk to her. She kept quiet the whole time. Avu noticed it and was about to ask her, but felt a hand hold hers. She turned to see Abhi, who shook his head. She was confused but nodded, knowing there must be some reason. After dinner:

Avu: Ab...

Abhi: Vaish, can you come with me once?

Vaish nodded while Avu got relieved he didn't hear her about to call him. Suddenly Sid pulled her.

Avu: Sid, what are you doing? You could have said before pulling me.

Sid: Sorry. Let's go to my room or terrace?

Avu: It's cold, going to room would be better.

Sid: It's not that cold.

They went to his room.

Avu: I'm being lazy, that's why it is cold.

He laughed hearing that.

Avu: Sid, has Abhi thought anything about proposal?

Sid: He has planned it completely, he is proposing her tomorrow, was just waiting for all of us to return home. He was surprised you didn't talk about it to him yet.

Avu: He is mature enough to know what to do at what time, I don't have to guide him about it. And I knew he will with time, so didn't ask him. Now also I asked you only.

Sid: True. Now only they, Fais bhai and di are left.

Avu: I'm worried about Fais and di, it's clear they love each other. But somewhere I feel the confession won't be easy.

Sid: What do you mean?

Avu: If Fais had to take a step, he would have taken long back, he knows of her feelings since quiet long. I doubt he'll propose now when he didn't till now.

Sid: Then di will propose him. If he doesn't confess, she'll keep her shyness aside and confess.

Avu: Yeah, that's true. Anyways, leaving others, let's focus on our relationship.

He smiled while humming. With Abhinavi:

Abhi: What got you so angry?

Vaish: Ask who, not what.

Abhi: Ok, who got you so angry?

He said interrupting her in between, earning a glare.

Vaish: Fais. Had an argument with him, he is not ready to confess and has left Jaan hanging in between. He is not telling the reason also, saying he can't explain it. And he doesn't want her to propose him as well.

Abhi: It would be good if he talks to Jaan about it, tries explaining what's there in his mind . But it's his choice in the end, it's in his hands where he takes their relationship, just give him time to sort out what he wants to do, this continuous pressure won't help.

Vaish nodded.



Hey guys

Hope you liked the chapter.

Why isn't Fais confessing his feelings to Jaan? 

What is there in his mind the he is unable to say?

Will Jaan have to face rejection?

Who was Vaishu's best friend Sunshine?

Stay tuned


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