Chapter 5

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Thanks for the response guys, it clearly shows how much you all are liking my book

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Thanks for the response guys, it clearly shows how much you all are liking my book. If you don't like it, at least ask the author to stop updating or change the plot, giving your own views and ideas, instead of demotivating them like this. I understand its exam time, but can no one take out a bit of time to even put one or two comments? But no, everyone here has mastered in demotivating writers. I'm sorry if I sound rude or hurtful, but its the reality. I write for myself, but update for you all. If no one likes it, why do I take out my time to update everyday? Even my final pre boards are coming up, but till then I am giving one update a day if possible. But you all won't understand how it feels. And not just me but every writer is facing this, then why should we update?

This is only my second book, only 4 chapters are out so I shouldn't expect much, but is 0 comments what I deserve? I won't say I'll stop updating, but now I won't have that hope or happiness, it will be just like a responsibility or burden. And if you think I am being over dramatic or I am over reacting then I don't care, its what you think. 

Stay tuned ( not necessary, read it if you like it) 


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