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Next day they all went to the village. Naina kept thinking about Sameer the whole time. They reached the village and were warmly welcomed by the people there. First they went to get the lehengas. They all loved the beautiful Rajasthani lehengas. Naina was seeing herself in the mirror when she noticed someone behind her. The person did a looking beautiful sign by folding the thumb and index finger, other three straight. She turned around shocked.

Naina: Sameer?

Sameer: Yeah me.

He said while coming inside.

Naina: How?

Sameer: Will tell you later Angel.

Naina: Yesterday you gave the same answer for another question.

Sameer: I live here only, in this village.

Naina: Oh.

Sameer: Btw you are looking very beautiful, just one thing missing.

She looked confused what he is talking about. He leaned towards her and picked the dupatta kept behind her and made her wear it in a different yet beautiful way.

Sameer: Done.

Naina: Thanks.

He smiled and went. Naina went back to the others.

Avu: You are looking so pretty Naina.

All agreed. She complimented them as well. The lady who gave them the clothes looked surprised.

Lady: How did you wear the dupatta in that style? Its very difficult to learn, only few people can, not even me and even the style is of this village only.

She was confused as the way Sameer made her wear it seemed very easy for him. They all went out from there after clicking many photos & selfies with the different backgrounds there. Then they went out and roamed around talking with few people there knowing more about it. Then they all danced with the local dancers there in Rajasthani style. After sometime they got tired and sat there to rest. Now the men and women were showing them dances and they all were shocked seeing them dance on broken mirrors/ spikes/ steel plate and other things like that.

Avu: How are they doing that?

Sm1: They have been doing it since childhood, that's why it is easy for them now.

They all turned to the person. He was a man in his 50s.

Sm1: You all must be hungry, want to have something?

They all nodded. He took them to a hut type structure on which the board read "Padharo mhare rasode mein". (पधारो म्हारे रसोड़े में) [ Enter my kitchen.] He led them to the area where mats were spread and they sat down on the mats. Soon their lunch was brought, daal baati and churma.

After the heavy lunch they walked around in the shops

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After the heavy lunch they walked around in the shops.

Avu: See there, potter.

They all saw in that direction. All knew she loves making pots. They all had experience in making pots except Naina. They went to the potter.

Naina: Guys, I don't know how to, I've never made one.

Sameer: I'll help you.

He looked up and Naina was surprised, he was the potter.

Sameeer: Who wants to make first?

Avu: Meee.

He chuckled asking her to sit.

Sameer: Anyone wants to join?

Avu/Sid: Sid/Me.

Sameer: You are Sid?

Sid: Yeah.

Sameer: Ok come.

Sidneet made a pot together, Avu's attention on the pot and Sid's on her. They finished making a pot and kept it aside to dry together. Sid poked Avu's cheek making a bit of the mud sticking on it and laughed. Avu just smiled staring at him.

Sid: Lets go and wash our hands.

Next Jaireem made one.

Jai: Where are Sidneet? They went to wash hands or draw out water from well to wash hands?

Reem: Lets go, we'll find them also there.

They went to find Sidneet lost in each other and smirked while clearing their throat. Seeing their smirk Sidneet blushed and ran back to others before Jaireem could tease them. Outside Faisnat went next as Vaish literally forced Fais to, she found out Jaan is the person he loves when she found him looking dreamily at her. Suddenly Fais tripped on a big stone he didn't notice and like the other day Jaan tried holding him and fell down with him, luckily this time none of them got hurt. They were lost in each other's eyes, smiling remembering how they fell in the same way in the classroom. Others were confused except Vaishjeet, they had no idea about Faisnat loving each other. They both came back to senses and stood up.

Vaish: You both continue, Naina is waiting for her turn.

She said with a 'I'll tease you later' look. Fais turned red looking away. While Jaan who received the same look from Jai also did the same. They both made the pot. Then it was Abhinavi's turn. They sat when Vaishu's hair came to her face. Her hands were already dirty so she wasn't able to put them back. Abhi put the strands behind her ear, making her look in his direction and they noticed how close their faces are. They looked away quickly before it becomes awkward and completed their turn, whole time Vaish trying to control her blush as Abhi's hand touched her bare waist without him noticing it, shivering a bit. Lastly Naina came forward and Sameer winked at her making her blush as she sat near him. He held her hands taking them forward as he guided her to make a pot. She took her focus to the pot, ignoring his warm breath on her neck. But Sameer could sense how she was affected it and bent a bit more, keeping his chin on her shoulder and said in a low tone so no one notices he is saying something.

Sameer: I said right I'll meet you again.

Naina: Do you help everyone make pots like this only?

Sameer: No, never found someone seeing whom my heart starts beating faster, whose single touch also affects me so much, for seeing whom my eyes keep waiting every second. Don't you feel the same?

She blushed, knowing she felt the same. Her blush and smile gave him the answer and he smiled.



Hey guys

Hope you liked the chapter.

Who was Vaishu's best friend Sunshine?

Stay tuned


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