Chapter~ 39

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Jai: Reemi, where were you? We all got so tensed, you said aunty you'll be back in an hour and left without your phone. 

Reem: Sorry, I was in so much hurry I couldn't wait to give the reason also and forgot my phone here by mistake. A friend of mine got into accident and was in a very critical condition, even her family doesn't live here so I went there. The hospital was quiet far and in all the rush there I couldn't call using another phone also. 

Jai calmed himself. 

Jai: Be careful next time and don't leave without informing like this, whatever the emergency is, or at least take your phone with you. 

Reem nodded as he pulled her in a hug. Outside Abhi returned from work and came in to immediately find out Reem had just come after suddenly leaving, others still not knowing the reason as Jai took her to room the moment she came. 

Abhi: They must have talked about it and she is fine now, you all don't worry so much now. 

Avu: Hmm. We are just worried, Jai was angry also very much. 

Abhi: And everyone knows how his anger is, what's there to worry about in that? They'll sort it out, whatever happened, but you all fix your moods. 

Sid: She has a habit of worrying till someone comes and puts some sense into her dada, I'm trying to explain the same. And who knows di better than you, she can get worried for the smallest things also. 

Avu glared him while stamping on his feet. 

Avu: You called me senseless? 

Sid: No, when did I? 

Avu: Just now you did. 

Sid: Sorry, I was just joking. 

She didn't say anything. 

Abhi: Where is Vaishu? 

Fais: In her room. 

Abhi went to her room and knocked. 

Vaish: Who is it? 

Abhi: Me. 

She opened the door, letting him inside. 

Vaish: Sorry, I couldn't get read... 

Abhi: Shh, it's fine, you get ready. 

Vaish: Yeah, you sit no. 

She was making her hair. Abhi was simply looking around. 

Vaish: Abhi, this outfit will be fine no? I'll just put on a black jacket with it. 

His attention turned to her and he took in her appearance. 

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