Chapter~ 40

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All were having dinner. Whole time Fais was lost in thoughts, nervous about why Jaan is taking him out the on Sunday and also thinking about the words Avu said on the previous day.

Vibha: Fais, what happened why are you not eating anything?

Fais: I am aunty.

He noticed even Faiza isn't eating, just playing with her food and made her eat first before having his dinner. Soon Abhinavi returned and were surrounded by all their friends, asking them questions.

Reem: Abhi, how did you propose her?

Abhi: She said yes, that's enough no. Why are you all asking this question repeatedly?

Sid: Because you are not answering. Vaish, you say no.

Vaish: Let's talk about all this later, I am tired right now.

Abhinavi went from there.

Jaan: What is there in a proposal that they are hiding?

Fais: Let's stop asking them, they don't want to say, at least it's not something bad.

All agreed. Sometime later Fais was making Faiza sleep. 

Faiza: Papa.

Fais: Hmm?

Faiza: Where did chachi go yesterday?

Fais: Which chachi?

Faiza: Vaishu chachi.

Fais: I don't know.

Faiza: But chachu also went.

Fais: Ha so chachu knows.

Faiza: Ohh.

Fais: Why are you asking?

Faiza: They got a chocolate from there, I also want it.

Fais: Chocolate?

Faiza: Yeah, chachu gave me one and it was very tasty. Wait, I'll show it.

She went and soon returned. He chuckled seeing it.

Fais: I'll get it, ok?

Faiza: The same one?

Fais: Yes, the same one.

She smiled widely hearing this.

Fais: But you sleep right now.

Faiza: Ok.

After sometime she fell asleep and he lied down beside her, but couldn't sleep. There was just one fear in his mind, Jaan confessing. He checked his phone to find Avu online and messaged her.

Fais: You're awake?

Avu: Just not sleepy.

Fais: I wanted to talk.

Avu: Come outside.

He carefully got up without letting Faiza wake up and kept a pillow where he was, so that she doesn't roll and fall. He went out and they both went out of the home.

Avu: What happened?

Fais: I can't tell her.

Avu: Earlier you said you don't know how to tell her, now you are saying you can't tell her. What's the problem in telling her? She is not a stranger to you.

Fais: Her reaction scares me. What if...

Avu: Nothing will happen, she'll understand, whatever it is. When she loves you, she loves everything about you, not just your good qualities. Hiding anything about yourself won't help, in fact it may worsen things. There were misunderstandings earlier where you both thought the other person loves someone else, but those are over now, the situation is different. Don't let those affect now.

Fais: It is nowhere related to them at all. Even if these confusions wouldn't have happened, I wouldn't have confessed.

Avu: I don't know whether you have realised or not how much you changed over time. This change in you is unexplainable but certainly not unnoticeable.

Fais: Why are you telling me this? More like why are you telling me this now?

Avu: I don't know. Anyways, what exactly did you mean when you said you want to talk? This convo is going no where clearly.

Fais: I don't know, I just need a solution to all this. Jaan is taking me out on Sunday an...


He was cut off by Avu's question, as she got excited hearing this. He gave her a look, making her realise the situation is different.

Avu: What did you say?

Fais: I tried denying, but couldn't. I'll still try, an excuse she considers. She is keeping it a surprise and was persistent over it, there are many chances she may confess...

Avu: And you don't want that. It's good no if she is proposing you, you are unable to do so, she'll do it.

Fais: And get what in return? A no, a heartbreak?

Avu looked shocked.

Avu: You don't love her? Then what is all this for?

Fais: It's not that Avu. I very well know what you and Vaishu are trying to do. You both keep asking right why I don't want her to propose me, why I am neither saying yes nor no? Just remember a single time when I might have said any of you directly the confession.

That's when she realised, Fais never said the words "I love her" also.

Avu: So you don't love her?

Fais: I didn't say that.

Avu: It's either yes or no, give a proper answer no.

Fais: That is the problem, when none of you are able to understand, are getting frustrated, how will Janu understand this? While saying anyone else maybe I say yes, but in front of her I'll say no, not because I want to, but because it's not in my control. I just want you all to stop asking me to propose her because I can't and hope she doesn't do so, because rejection is worst.

He took a breath, everything that was in his mind, he said it.

Avu: Ok, we'll stop. But what future have you decided for you both? For yourself? You can't live like this your entire life.

Fais: I can, I am just worried for Jaan, she fell in love with the wrong person.

Before Avu could say anything, he spoke again.

Fais: Let's go inside.

They went to their rooms. Fais soon fell asleep while Avu said about their whole convo to Vaish who was waiting for her in her room.

Vaish: I've never seem him like this, so agitated and clueless on what to do. What exactly is bothering him? 

Avu: I've understood what it is, today when he said everything that was in his mind, I realised what's bothering him. How did I not understand this earlier? 



Hey guys

Hope you liked the chapter.

Why isn't Fais confessing his feelings to Jaan?

Is Jaan going to propose him on Sunday?

Will she have to face rejection?

What does future hold for Faisnat?

Who was Vaishu's best friend Sunshine?

Will Naina get to meet Sameer again?

Stay tuned


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