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After that they all decided to rest for sometime till the fire show. Ashi was sad thinking about Sameer, tomorrow they'll go from this village, so there were barely any chances of her seeing Sameer again. On the other side Sid was happy as tomorrow he is finally proposing Avu, he has been planning for it since 2 days with Abhi. After sometime they saw the fire show, had a light dinner then they reached the place where they would be staying for the night to find out only couples are allowed. And each couple will be sharing a cot. They all looked at each other.

Naina: Jaireem will anyways go together, what about others?

Abhi: Me and Vaishu can go together, if that's ok with you?

He asked the last part to Vaish. She nodded.

Avu: Me and Sid?

She looked at Sid with a questioning look.

Sid: Yeah.

Jaan: So Fais and Naina are going together?

Vaishjeet face palmed mentally.

Naina: No, you both go.

Reem: But Naina, what about you?

Naina: I uh... I'll manage somewhere no.

Sid: But where will you be the whole night in this unknown village?

The owner of the house came there.

HO: Any problems?

Jaan: Ma'am we all are couples only, but our friend here isn't married yet.

HO: Will it be fine for you to live somewhere else? In these situations we send our guests there only.

Naina: Where?

HO: To Sameer's home. He is the most kind hearted here and all the guests also are always impressed by his hospitality.

Naina: Sameer?

HO: You already know him?

Naina: Yes...I mean no... wait no.. I mean.. I...

She herself was confused.

HO: Leave all that, will it be ok?

Naina: I think that would be the safest place to live for the night then.

All agreed. The woman shouted someone's name and asked him to call Sameer. Meanwhile the couples introduced themselves to the lady. Then she led them to the cots. They were big enough for two people, with thin mattresses on them. They were on the cool sand, with thick blankets(rajai) if someone wants because of the cold breeze, well by midnight everyone will need it. She wished them good night and left. They all lied down and though there wasn't much space between the two, it was comfortable. Soon all of them fell asleep. Meanwhile Sameer came and then they went to his home.

Sameer: Naina, what happened?

Naina: Nothing.

She said in a muffled voice not looking at him. They were sharing the same room itself as in other rooms more people were there. Their beds were at a little distance from each other but close enough for them to hear each other at low voice also.

Sameer: Bu...

Naina: What is it? Stop, just stop. We won't even meet again ever, then why do you have to be so friendly?

Now he understood what the problem was.

Sameer: Naina, even I'm sad, but lets be happy together for the last few hours we have together.

Naina: Yeah so it hurts more to leave you.

He stood up coming to the other side of her bed where she was facing and bent down to her height.

Sameer: Then we'll find a way of not separating.

Naina: Shall I live in this village only forever with you?

Sameer: No Naina, you can't. I'll come there instead. I'll search for a job and settle there.

Naina: And leave your tradition, your family and your birth place, your village behind? Leave it, if its our destiny we'll be together, till then we'll keep trying?

Sameer: Yeah. Now you should sleep, its late. Good night.

Naina: Good night.

He kissed her forehead before going to his bed and both fell asleep. Next morning all left, Samaina had teary eyes but hid it. Today they were going to just roam around seeing the different places nearby. After sometime they reached where Sid is going to propose Avu.

Sid: Avu, I don't know when and how, but I started falling for you and now I'm deeply in love with you. I can't say all those speeches and everything, so.. I love you Neet, will you be my girlfriend?

Avu: Yes yes yes.

She said while smiling excitedly but it faded when she saw Vaish running from there. Fais was about to go behind Vaish when he noticed Avu doing the same.

Fais: Avu, I know you are worried but you shouldn't come, she wouldn't want that. She'll be fine.

Avu nodded worried and Fais went to where Vaishu had gone. He went and saw her sitting on a bench as she just came out, tears flowing continuously. He rubbed her back trying to calm her down. After sometime she calmed down.

Fais: Are you fine?

She shook her head. Just then Abhi came there.

Abhi: Are you feeling too ill?

She nodded.

Abhi: I'll take her to the hotel room we booked to keep our luggage and for resting for sometime in between. You all continue.

Vaish: But Ab...

Abhi: Don't try saying no. I'm coming.

She nodded.

Fais: Ok then, shall we all also come?

Vaish: No, you all go.

Fais: Ok.

Abhinavi went to the hotel room while Fais went to others and informed them about Vaish not feeling well and Abhi taking her to the hotel room. Meanwhile in the hotel Abhi gave Vaish a medicine, then chocolate.

Abhi: Should I order something?

Vaish: No.

Abhi: You should sleep for sometime.

Vaish: I don't want to.

Abhi: Then what do you want to do?

Vaish: I don't know.



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Hope you liked the chapter.

Who was Vaishu's best friend Sunshine?

Stay tuned


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