Chapter~ 42

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Jaan: Yeah we do. We first met in college, you liked me at that time also, but as a student, as a friend. Then maybe more, but by the time your feeling turned into love, we were having a misunderstanding and you felt heartbreak more than love. But now it hasn't been long since the misunderstanding cleared and there is no heartbreak, just love. I think you just need time to accept me as your love. 

She looked at him, waiting for his response. Their orders came. 

Fais: Why is it all about me? You had no liking as a friend then more, no heartbreak, no love? 

She didn't know what was she expecting, but certainly not this. Just when she thought she understands him, she realised not yet, he was a difficult person to understand. 

Jaan: Of course not Fais, I also felt the liking and heart break. I love you. I spoke about just your feelings because it's about you right now. 

Fais: I don't know if you are right. I know that I am very difficult to understand, you don't know me completely yet, but you know me better than myself. After knowing how... um I don't know, maybe complex I am, are you sure you still want me as your partner? You can't be with someone just because you love them, that's most important, but not the only thing. And till when will you wait? What if I am never able to accept it or actually don't love you? 

Jaan: Your thinking may be complex to understand, but I know your heart. I am sure I want you as my partner, I have accepted everything that comes with you, good or bad, known or unknown. Your love is very clear, all can see it and I am ready to wait even till my last breath, but just need you with me, even if as a friend only. 

Tears had welled up in her eyes. Fais looked at her, his expressions unreadable. 

Fais: Janu I... I... I just need to leave, now... I... I can't...'s very.... please just... just let me go for... for now. 

He wasn't able to speak properly. Jaan got up, worried. She didn't ask him anything seeing he isn't in a condition to speak. She could think of only one option now. As she called Avu, she heard the chair slide and saw Fais go somewhere. She went behind him. 

Avu: Hello. 

Jaan: Avu, where are you? 

Avu said where she is. Fortunately Fais was going in same direction. 

Jaan: Something happened to Fais suddenly, we are coming in that direction. Can you come? 

Avu: Yeah. 

She kept the call and soon found them. She stopped Fais. 

 Avu: Fais, we have to go home urgently. Come. 

The three got into the car, Fais in back seat. He had zoned out completely now. Jaan said Avu everything. Avu stopped the car as they reached. She closed her eyes, the same thing had happened years back when they were children. Same expressions, same words. 

Avu: Di, can you go inside? We'll come. Later I have to talk to you. 

She nodded and went. She was scared she did or said something wrong, because of which all this happened. Avu was successful in calming Fais, already having experience in doing so. 

Avu: What happened? Did she propose? 

Fais: No. 

He said about their conversation. 

Avu: Fais, you need to decide whether you love her or not. If you do, she will be there to help you, if not you have to make it clear to her. When you accepted uncle, aunty, bhaiya, bhabhi and  the children with their help and support, why not her? The situation is same as before, what matters is your will power. Do you want to fight against everything, just to get your love? If you want to fight your fear, then I'll tell di everything so that she can help you. 

He thought over her words and then nodded, causing a huge smile to take over her face. But he still appeared nervous about everything. They went back inside. Fais was going to his room but stopped seeing Reem. His thoughts about everything else disappeared seeing her expressions. 

Fais: Reem? 

She seemed to be startled as she turned to him. 

Reem: Ye..yeah? 

Fais: Are you fine? 

Reem: Yes, what will happen to me? 

Fais: Then why are you sitting here alone? And your expressions say something else. 

Reem: Death anniversary of my family and my bestie, they died at the same time. 

Fais: Why do you look... guilty? 

Reem: I couldn't help my family's death, but because of me my bestie isn't alive today. My home had caught fire and seeing it she entered to save me. I escaped, but couldn't save her. I called out to her many times, but either she couldn't hear or didn't want to. Her screams, I could hear them for a while until I could hear only the fire. 

Tears gathered in her eyes once again.  

Reem: The most horrific scene was where I saw her dead body there, only hers, I couldn't see anyone from my family. 

He could understand how it must have been for her. They didn't notice Jai was also there until he came to them. He pulled her in a side hug. 

Jai: Reemi, it wasn't your fault. 

He turned to Fais. 

Jai: Her friend's family, they were very cruel. They let her friend enter the house, they didn't bother calling for help for fire also. They must have heard the blast, and even if they weren't at home, her friend's brother was with them. It is surprising he went inside but her friend didn't and that he didn't bother coming for his sister till two hours later also. 

Fais could relate Reem's and Vaishnavi's incident, the only thing which proved it isn't the same is that Reem saw her friend's dead body and Vaish's friend had also died. 



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Hope you liked the chapter.

Will Fais be able to fight his fear?

What does future hold for Faisnat?

Will Naina get to meet Sameer again?

Stay tuned


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