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Avu: I think even if I would have been good in physics you would have added my name to the list, knowing how much I hate it. 

Fais: Looks like you know me well enough by now. 

Avu: I wish I did. 

Fais: Then I'm glad you don't. 

Avu: Shut up. 

Fais: Is that the way you talk to your teachers? 

Avu: Is this the way you talk to your students? 

Fais: You are so irritating. 

Avu: Heard it few minutes back. 

Fais: Good to know someone shares the same thoughts as me. 

Avu: Why do you always have to argue with me? 

Fais: I would argue with Vaishnavi also if she behaved the way you do. 

Avu: I don't want to come to your home. 

Fais: Even I don't want you to, but I have to concentrate on your studies. 

Avu: Wait, wha... 

She suddenly stopped. 

Vaish: Avu, what happened? Avu? Avu? 

She held her shoulder but she didn't respond. Suddenly Fais went to the window and jumped out and caught a boy who was about to escape. Vaish was looking out the window and was surprised. Fais brought the boy inside. 

Boy: Sir, what did I do? 

Fais: You'll tell that Karan, whom were you aiming the blade at?  

Karan: Sir, I didn't do anything wrong. 

Avu: I'll tell you what you did wrong. 

She said while showing a punch. 

Karan: Sorry, I won't repeat it, please don't hit me. You can make a person go into coma also when angry, I've seen it, don't want to experience it. 

Avu: You idiot, can't you keep your mouth shut? Vaishu, I'll be back. 

She dragged Karan with her while Vaish looked at Fais who looked shocked. 

Vaish: Um everything alright sir? 

Fais: Yeah, but what's wrong with your sister? 

Vaish: I didn't understand. 

Fais: Leave all that, can you meet me tomorrow at the address I give you? 

He asked his tone going back to the one he uses always with the students. Vaish nodded still confused. 

Fais: Don't tell anyone, specially Avneet shouldn't find out. 

Vaish: Ok sir 

Fais: Here is the address. 

He forwarded a piece of paper. 

Vaish: Isn't this place kind of abandoned? 

Fais: No, its not. Its where I live. 

She was surprised why would he live in this type of area but nodded. 

Fais: And don't forget to get your physics books and rough book. 

Vaish: Ok sir. 

She sat down in her place while Fais went to his desk as students started entering. He knows he shouldn't being arguing with a student but Avu always manages to make him argue with her. After teaching, when the last 15 minutes were left. 

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