Chapter~ 41

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Avu: This problem, it's nothing new to him. The only relation Fais ever had was friendship as a child. He never experienced love, be it from a sibling, a parent or a lover. There is love in friendship, but it's completely different. There is a fear in him. 

Vaish: Fear? Of getting rejected? Or of expressing feelings? 

Avu: No, of experiencing love. This feeling comes naturally, all accept it without having to do anything, but for some reason it was different for him. He first felt this fear on meeting Jai. He got this brotherly feeling and felt protective for Jai. He couldn't understand this feeling, he couldn't accept this feeling. 

Vaish: But didn't he see you as his sister?

Avu: In college, as children we both didn't know these terms only, nor did we get that brother sister feeling. 

Vaish: Oh. I've never heard someone getting scared of feeling love. 

Avu: Even I didn't hear of anyone facing this, other than Fais. Sometimes these problems don't have a reason, they just exist in a person. Over time he changed, the family who had adopted him, they removed that fear to a certain extent. But then di entered his life, bringing the feeling of romantic love with her. He felt it, just like how we behaved on falling in love. Those misunderstanding brought heartbreak as well though, he was so busy dealing with his sadness that love didn't bother him, until he found out the truth. The sadness ended and love came up, since then his behaviour completely changed. That fear which he felt in childhood had arisen once again.   

Vaish: Now everything he has been saying makes sense, but he can't let this fear affect his future right. I understand he can't propose her, but why would he say no? 

Avu: Anger, fear, pain, love, hate, all these feelings have the ability to take over our mind, we just stop thinking rationally. In this case both love and fear will take over his mind the moment she proposes him. He is scared that when this fight of love and fear takes over his mind, his fear may win. 

Vaish: Does he have no way? 

Avu: He does. Love is the strongest feeling Vaish, but it will win over his fear only when he accepts his love to himself, which is not easy for him. Only di can help him now. 

Vaish: But she doesn't know anything. It would be best if either he tells her or you ask him and then tell her. 

Avu: Hmm, but it's possible only after Sunday. 

Vaish nodded. 

Vaish: But being a father, it must have been even more tough than we all imagined. 

Avu: Yeah, it did, but he already accepted Faiza, even if it was as his brother's daughter and she became his responsibility also, that made it easier for him to fight this fear. 

Vaish: Hmm. 

Avu: And now, you tell me what you both are hiding from all. I also share everything about me and Sid. 

Vaish: Everything? 

Avu: Shut up, we didn't go that far. 

She said while turning red. Vaish laughed. 

Vaish: Ok ok. 

Avu: Now say. 

Vaish: Well the proposal didn't go as he expected it to, it became very... uh romantic, accidentally. 

She said while blushing. 

Avu: Ohh. Looks like you both enjoyed your first date very much. 

Vaish: That's the reason we weren't saying, you start teasing. 

Avu: Ok, I'm not teasing you. What all did he plan for you, other than the 'accidental romance'?

Vaish described the whole date he had planned, not mentioning what all changes occurred after they went. 

Avu: This proposal and wait was certainly worth the wait for you, so Abhi turned out to be a very romantic person. 

She just hummed. 

Vaish: But you aren't telling anyone, not Sid also. 

Avu: Sid must have already made Abhi tell him as well. 

Vaish: That's true. Anyways, it's late now, we should go to sleep. 

Avu: Are you sure you want to sleep here? 

Vaish: Shut up. 

Avu: I was just asking if you want to return to your room, you were thinking of going to Abhi's? 

Vaish just turned around and Avu laughed. 

Avu: Good night. 

Vaish: Good night. 

Avu: Have sweet dreams of yo... 

Vaish kicked her on her leg making her stop and then soon both fell asleep. And true to Avu's words, Abhi had said Sid even before Vaish told her. 

On Sunday: 

Finally Faisnat were going, any excuse Fais made failed. It was like his brain stopped working whenever he thought of believable excuses. 

Jaan: Stop here. 

He looked to see an open cafe. He parked the car and they went to a table. 

Jaan: What will you take? 

Fais: Just water. 

Jaan: Why are you so nervous like you've come to meet my parents? It's just us. 

Fais was too nervous to think over her words while Jaan bit her lip, realising how it sounded. A waiter came and she gave order for both. 

Jaan: Fais, I've not brought you here to propose you. 

He looked up, shocked yet relieved. 

Fais: What.. I.. I mean 

Jaan: How do I know? 

He nodded, slightly embarrassed because of stuttering. 

Jaan: You only wished no, that I don't propose you. That day I was awake, and the next day I read your book. 

Fais: How is my book related to this? 

Jaan: It is, in the book you wrote your emotions, of when you were just taken in by the family, till your mother died. 

Fais: Yeah I did. But I still don't understand how it is related. 

Jaan: When I read how it was difficult for you to accept them and how it took so much time to accept, I felt how I am still new to you. 

Fais: But we know each other since so long. 



Hey guys

Hope you liked the chapter.

Will Fais be able to fight his fear?

What does future hold for Faisnat?

Who was Vaishu's best friend Sunshine?

Will Naina get to meet Sameer again?

Stay tuned


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