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Few days passed by, the five had bonded well with each other as well as Vibha and Aditya, and were like a family now. They didn't see Vaishneet much and weren't friends with them yet. One of the reasons of this was Avu, who always tried to keep Vaish away from the group. Right now the break was going on and Vaishneet were going out of the class to the canteen. 

Vaish: Avu, just once pls. 

Avu: I said no. 

Vaish: But what's the problem? The people of that group are so good. 

Avu: That's another problem adding up. Look, we both know we can't be friends with anyone. And specially that group, when you love one of the members so much. 

Vaish: You know right you are becoming the villain between two lovers. 

Avu: I wasn't but now I will. I wish he never falls for you. 

Vaish: I know you aren't serious but still don't tell that, it hurts. 

Avu: Vaishu, don't become blind in love. Can't you see the reality? 

Vaish: I can, but why can't you just accept the fact that I am a human, have feelings and its not my fault if I love someone? 

Avu: Whatever it is, you won't talk to anyone from that group. I don't want you to break his heart, I've seen him, he is an innocent soul, and hurting him will be the biggest not mistake but crime of your life Vaish. 

Vaish: But its not easy Avu, I've loved him since we were in school. 

Avu: I know it, just try to move on. 

Vaish: You know, love can never become loved, but hate can become hated. 

Avu: Heard it many times from you, but I don't believe it. 

Vaish: But why? Can you stop loving me one day or do you think I'll stop loving you one day? 

Avu: No, but there is someone who once loved me. 

Vaish: How are you so sure that the person loved you and doesn't love you. Maybe the person still loves you but isn't revealing if you see the positive side, but if you see the negative side, the person never had love for you in his/her heart in their entire life. 

Avu suddenly stopped making Vaish also stop suddenly due to which someone bumped into her. 

Vaish: I am so sorr...

Her voice felt lost seeing the person she loves and Avu understood it. 

Avu: She was saying sorry Siddharth. 

Sid: Yeah, its ok. 

Avu pulled Vaish with her. 

Avu: Looks like you took the part of not talking to the group seriously finally. 

Vaish: Avuuuu. 

Avu: Stop whining like a kid, which you are but still. 

Vaish: You know you are so irritating. I'll go and sit with that group only. 

Avu: No you won't take such a decision just because you are irritated. 

Vaish: I will. 

Avu: You are really a stubborn kid, but listen one thing, if you break his heart, I'll never forgive you. 

Vaish: Oh, and you breaking mine is fine? I'm not joining the group for him Avu, I'm not that selfish, but can't we just have some good friends? 

Avu: We can't have friends at all Vaishu. 

Vaish: But why? You never even tell me the reason, but want me to not make friends, not talk to my love, nothing. 

Avu: And you are still doing it right. 

Vaish: Yeah, because you give me the vibe that if they become close to us either they'll come in danger or get hurt. I understand the heart breaking part, but I want to make some friends. I'm tired of this life now. 

Avu: You know, friends can become so close that they become the life of each other. And if our friends start loving us, all of them will be hurt. 

Vaish sighed, giving in. But their fate didn't want to follow Avu's words as Reem approached them. 

Reem: Hey guys, I am Reem Sameer. 

Vaishneet looked at each other before saying their names. 

Reem: Want to be our friends? 

There came the question they dreaded. Vaish wanted the answer to be what Avu wanted. 

Avu: I'm sorry. 

She didn't say anything more. Reem nodded sadly and left. Vaishneet sat in a bench. They came to the class they have next. 

Vaish: I'm feeling bad, she looked so sad. 

Avu: You think I'm feeling too good? If disappointing you wasn't enough, another person added to the list. 

Vaish: Avu, I'm not disappointed, even you know I'm a child and become stubborn sometimes for small things. 

Avu: Leave that, what's the next period? 

Vaish: Physics. 

Avu: Great, can't this day get over already? 

Vaish: Sorry to trouble you more, but today the list of students who'll be attending the extra class will be given. And I don't think you know it, but he has to keep the classes at his home as college is not giving him the permission. 

Avu: Stop it girl, you aren't making it better. I'll for sure be in the list and if that wasn't enough, you are the topper in physics. The last thing I'd want to do is go to his home without you. 

Vaish: Well that's what you'll have to do. I still don't understand why you become so bipolar when it comes to him. Sometimes you are saying good about him and at other times he becomes the worst person to you. 

Avu: He is the person who confuses me completely. A complete mystery. 

Vaish: A mystery only you are trying to solve. 

Avu: I'm not. 

Vaish: Whatever. 

Avu: You are an idiot, you know. 

Vaish: What? Why? 

Avu: Nothing, just reminding you. 

Vaish: Yo... 

She stopped seeing somewhere. Avu turned and saw Faisal and rolled her eyes. 

Avu: Come back to senses. 

Vaish glared her. 

Vaish: I am in my senses, but you are not for sure. Good afternoon sir. 

Fais: Good afternoon Vaishnavi. 

Avu: I hope you afternoon is not that good. 

Fais: First see yours, because it won't be the best one for sure. 



Hey guys

Hope you liked the chapter.

What is the other word Sid says in sleep?

Do they all really have some connection?

Why isn't Avu letting Vaish be friends with anyone? 

Who all like reading Faisneet's arguments? 

Do vote and comment. And shout outs if you want to give. 

Stay tuned


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