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After sometime Jai left for Faisu's home. He reached to see no one had come yet. 

Jai: Where are the others? 

Fais: They'll also come soon. And give this to Siddharth. 

Jai: What's this? 

Fais: He had asked a doubt, so the answer to that. 

Jai smiled understanding the reason behind the expressions Fais had when he left. 

Fais: Even if you are going to do the same already tell me. 

Jai: No, only Sid has the ability to form those type of questions from the chapter. I'm surprised you were able to answer all except one though. 

Fais: I'm sure no one else would be able to. I studied and revised the lessons many times going in depth so I knew the answers. 

Jai: You really are very serious about studies. 

Fais: Hmm. You sit there and open your books, others must come anytime now. 

Jai went and soon others also joined. After the class all were about to go when. 

Fais: I won't be coming to school tomorrow, but this test has to be done, so Avneet can you distribute it at the time of exam? 

Avu: Yes sir. 

S2: But sir why her only? 

Fais: If one of these two(Jai and the other girl) would ask I wouldn't be surprised, you both are irregular to class, so how do I give them to you? And about giving her, then you don't have to know the reason, any of the 5 of you. 

They left quietly. Fais called Vaishnavi. 

Vaish: Hello, who is it? 

Fais: You can learn the last four numbers at least. 

Vaish: Sorry, I didn't check the id at all, my attention was somewhere else. 

Fais: Ok, I've sent the papers with Avneet. 

Vaish: But what if she catches me taking them? 

Fais: You do meet me in school right? And I had class yesterday itself. 

Vaish: Oh yeah. 

Fais: I've kept the answer key with them. I know you both won't cheat that's why I am asking you to do it, though your papers will be given to you by Abhishek, I have already talked to him so he'll take them from the folder I gave Jai. Also since tomorrow physics is last period and it won't require whole period, the second year students I've selected will be there. Their observation will be very strict. 

Vaish: Hmm. I'll finish the work within half an hour I guess. 

Fais: Yeah, but be careful while checking the answer key, because the answer key given by college has many mistakes. And in the next round of papers again your papers will be different. In short they're interchanged. 

Vaish: Ok. But aren't the papers set by you? 

Fais: This round is kept by college every year and mine will be two days later itself, that's why I've exchanged. Its against college rules but I think its better first you try identifying mistakes, that will help you improve in the subject. 

Just then the bell rang on Vaishu's side. 

Vaish: Avneet is here I think. 

Fais: No, they all had just left, no one can reach home so soon from my home. 

Vaish: Oh. 

Fais: Anyways, I'll go now. Bye. 

Vaish: Bye. 

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