Restaurant visit 🌸

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Let's see how this goes :)

Cherry's Pov

Joe has been coming home late these past few days not that I'm worried or anything of course. I hope he's not overworking himself or flirting with other girls or even worse cheating on me. I took a quick glance at my ring before getting ready to leave. I changed into my kimono, grabbed my keys and headed out to Sia la luce. (Joe's restaurant in case y'all forgot 😍🤞)

Time skip by yours truly 👋🙄

I finally arrived at the restaurant and holy shit it's packed. I had to wait in line just to get in. Why are there so many people here? Is there a special event? Promotion? Someone special? Anyways I finally got in and got a seat by the kitchen entrance. I ordered some pizza and gelato for dessert. While I was eating Joe came out of the kitchen. He doesn't seem to notice me but he seems nervous which made me worry.

"Do you not see me you big gorilla!" I scoffed.

He turned around surprise to see me. I waved at him and he came over to where I was sitting. "Cherry what are you doing here?" he stuttered. "Oh no reason just craving some pizza" I said while taking a bite of my pizza. "You could have just called me." "Well I wanted to come here myself" "Well anyways since my shift is done I want to take you somewhere" "Are you sure? I mean it's still pretty packed in here." " No it's fine. Come one!" he said as he put on his coat.

He reached his hand out for me and we went out the restaurant hand in hand. (idfk the right word 👆) I can feel glances from women but I choose to ignore them. Once we got out I shivered from the cold since I was only wearing a kimono which was pretty thin around my body. Kojiro noticed and wrapped his hand around me pulling me closer. I swatted him away from embarrassment but he still pulled me in closer again. We hopped on his motorcycle and he started driving.

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked. "You'll see later~" he chimed before handing me a blindfold which I put one without arguing. (Don't drive with one hand and always wear helmet! Be safe) I could feel the motorcycle coming to a stop and him getting off. I couldn't see so I waited for him to lead the way. He helped me get off the motorcycle and started guiding me. About 3 minutes of walking we stopped and he pulled my blindfold off.

I saw the most beautiful thing ever. We were at our favorite place which was the park where we had our first date. There were multi-coloured rose petals scattered on the ground leading to a flower arch. There was a Cherry Blossom tree behind it with fairy lights dangling off of it. It was so beautiful. While I was admiring the sight Kojiro pulled me towards the arch. There he gave me bouquet of flowers before giving my hand a peck.

"What's all this for?" I asked.

"Oh well. You're the most beautiful man I've ever seen and the most important person in my life. We may fight a lot but we'd still end up happily together. I love you so much." he said before getting down on one knee. Tears starts rolling down my cheeks. "I know I didn't give you a proper proposal and a better ring so Kaoru Sakurayashiki will you marry me again?" he said. Tears couldn't stop coming out and my vision got blurry. He got up and gave me a tight hug before whispering "Well what's the answer?"

"Yes you idiot!" I said between sobs. He gave me a kiss and I returned it. I couldn't have been happier. I guess it turned out to be a good restaurant visit after all.

Bro that took so fucking long oml. Anywho what did you think? Any feedback would be much appreciated and voting would be pretty cool too! Anyways love y'all so much and stay safe <33

Words - 699 (😏)

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