Forgive me 🌸

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Hihi sorry for not updating in a while I had tests and shit and something came up so I took a break and haven't been writing a lot but I'm back with a chapter!

Cherry's Pov

Joe and I planned a date today to go to a cute little cafe that recently just opened and I'm very excited to go with him. He planned to pick me up 5:45 pm so I decided to get ready since it almost time for him to pick me up. I have been pacing around my room trying to find the prefect outfit for our date. Finally I decided to wear a baby pink sweater with jeans and a white belt around my waist. I picked up my shoes and placed them near the door so I could just put them on when he picks me up.

I decided to wait in the living room while scrolling on my phone.

Hours had past since and it was already 9:15 pm when I decided to change back into casual clothes. I can't believe that gorilla forgot about our date I thought. He didn't even text or called me. I walked into my room getting ready for bed. I got comfortable on my bed and decided to read a book. A couple minutes had passed when I heard my door bell ring.

Who could be here at this time I thought as I grumbled down the stairs. I opened the door to see Kojiro. Tears started coming out of anger. How could he forget and just show up out of the blue. My vision got blurry and I couldn't see anything until I felt large arms wrap around my body. I tried to push him off but he pulled me closer and hugged me even stronger than before.

He started "Baby, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for missing our date. There were too many people and my restaurant needed more assistance." "Then why didn't you at least called or texted me?" I asked slightly annoyed. "I wanted to. I really did but more and more orders kept coming and I didn't have time to look at my phone. Please baby I am so sorry." he pleaded.

I finally gave up. I mean yes I am still mad at him but I can't stay mad at someone who I love very much. I sighed then said "Okay it's fine but at least try to tell me next time if it's possible." "Yes. Yes of course. Now can I come in? It's fucking freezing out here." he said. I chuckled and said "Yeah. Yeah sure come on in."

Its pretty short but hopefully you still enjoyed it!. Any feedback is welcomed and voting is appreciated. Have an amazing day/night! I love you guys <333

Words : 470

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