You can't hide it 🌸

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There will be other ships in this part. Oh and sorry for the shitty title. Sorry anyways enjoy :))

Miya's Pov

I hate how they think they are good at hiding it. I hate how they would flirt and think we won't notice it. It's painfully obvious they are dating. Even  Langa noticed. Gosh when will they stop this nonsense and tell us.

"Stop it you big oaf." Cherry said between giggles.

"No can do Pinky. Not until you say I'm the better skater." Joe said as he was tickling Cherry.

They are at it again. We are right here you know. I sighed and walked over. I cleared my throat to get their attention and when they did they scrambled off of each other.

"Huh? Miya when did you get here?" Joe awkwardly chuckled.

"It not just me they're here too." I said as I pointed to Langa and Reki behind me.

Both of them waved and continued what they were doing. On the subject of those two they are oblivious of each other's feelings. They would call each other pet names like "my love" or "babe" and they don't think anything of it?

They would do stuff like kiss each other's bruises whenever they get an injury which I guess is normal? I don't know.

When will they confess I thought as I sighed and walked away from Cherry and Joe.

I practically know everything about both pair's love life by now since they aren't really subtle with it. As I was lost in thought Shadow walked in manager Oka. For fuck sake another one. At least these two had confirmed and reveled they were dating which kind of makes me less stressful I guess.

It's not like I was jealous of them for being in relationships it just that I get to be third wheeling whenever I hang out with each pair.

"Ahem!" Joe started gaining attention from everyone in the room.

"Joe and I have something to share with everyone." Cherry said while glancing at Joe from time to time.

"Both of us are dating!" They both said in union.

"Wow! I never would have guessed!" I sarcastically replied.

All of the others agreed and congratulated them and continued what they were doing.

"What do you mean? You knew this the entire time?" Cherry asked all confused.

"It's not like you were hiding it very well." I sighed.

"Evaluate?" said Joe.

"Well first of all we can see you guys staring at each other every moment you get. And I can see Cherry getting all pissed when you flirt with others. And all that fake hating each other act? Do better. By now we can put the pieces together and find out y'all are together." I replied unfazed.

"Guess we aren't that good at hiding as we thought." Both of them shrugged.

"Yes you aren't." All of us said in union.

This isn't really matchablossom but kinda is so hopefully you enjoy! Sorry it's short. Have a wonderful day everybody. Love you 💞

Words : 526

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