Sick Joe 🌸

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Please take care of yourself and stay healthy!! Let's start :D

Cherry's Pov

I woke up to my alarm surprisingly my phone notifications aren't blasted with Joe's messages which I thought was kinda weird but thought nothing of it. I got up and started getting ready for the day. I have a meeting with a VIP commissioner who is going make me rich if she agrees to work with me. I just hope it goes well.

I got dressed in my blue kimono with white stripes and a dark blue belt around my waist. I went down stairs and got ready to cook. I just made an omelette and ate it. Normally by this time Kojiro would call me asking if I had eaten anything but he didn't.

He would always check on me through out the day but today he didn't. Well I mean it's still 10 am but he should be awake by now. Oh well that's not my concern.

Anyways I got ready to head to the meeting spot with Miss Hanako. I hope the meeting goes well. I finally get to this small but fancy restaurant. Before I got out of my car I checked myself to see if my clothes and hair looked good. I fixed my glasses and dusted myself off before going in. I see that Miss Hanako is already there and apologize for being late. She didn't mind and we started talking about her calligraphy design.

We finished a couple hours later since we had a lot to discuss about. She told me she would think about it but she seemed pretty pleased. We thanked each other and said our goodbyes.

I checked my phone to see if there is any new messages or calls from Kojiro but to my surprise there were none. By now i've gotten worried. I decided I needed to check up on that idiot.

I arrived at his house to see his car still out front. I rang the doorbell to be answered by no one. I rang again but still no response. I took out the spare key I had for his house and opened the door. We both have spare key for each of our houses. I got in and the house was pitch black besides from the light coming from his room. I turned the hallway light and walked to his room.

"Kojiro are you there?" I asked still no response. This gorilla better not be dead I thought even more worried then before. I got into his room to see his sleeping. Thank god he's fine. I sat on his bed and shook him awake.

He groaned and looked surprised to see me. He got up and said "Huh? Karou what are you doing here?" before going into a coughing fit. I rubbed his back to make him feel better. I placed my lips on his forehead before realising he was burning up.

I took a cloth out of his dresser and damp it wet with cold water. I placed the cloth on his forehead and told him to lay down. "Have you eaten anything?" I asked. He shook his head. I ran to his kitchen to whip something up. He had some leftover soup so I heated that up and brought some to his room. He ate but couldn't eat that much since he would start coughing every minute. I gave him some water to wash everything down and he chugged it down. After he finished his meal I gave him some medicine and some vitamins.

I kept changing the cloth on his head whenever it got warm. He almost fell asleep before whispering "Thank you for taking care of me Karou. I love you" I awed and gave him a peck before saving "I love you too you big gorilla."

Ahh what did you guys think of this chapter? I don't really know anything about calligraphy and meeting and shit like that so hopefully it makes sense. Anyways thank you for the reads and votes really appreciate them <33 Stay safe and be healthy love y'all!!

Words: 687

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