Can't stop thinking of you (2) 🌸

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This is a part two of "can't stop thinking about you" requested by simpyytea so thank you for the request^^ Enjoy :))

Joe's Pov

My relationship with Kaoru has been pretty distance lately after I dropped him back at his house a couple weeks ago. I don't know what I did wrong but whenever I would ask what I did he would just brush it off or just say that nothing was wrong. We would also stop being physical with each other. He would push me away when I tried to hug him and he would stop with the small pecks which I kinda missed.

He might feel uncomfortable which I totally understand but he started feeling uncomfortable with me so randomly. We are childhood friends and if he starts distancing himself from me I am definitely going to be worried. I am going to try to get him to open up. I mean at the end of the day I love him and I won't force him to do it but I'll at least try.

I am going to plan a little hangout where we do things random things and possibly might go to park and confront him there. I hope it goes well and it doesn't make things even worse. I decided to give him a text.

Me : Heyy! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?

Kaoru <3 : Yea sure! Have any plans?

Me : I was wondering if we could just mess around a bit maybe skating? Just spend time together yk?

Kaoru <3 : Oh yep sounds good! Pick me up at 5?

Me : Sure thing! See you soon.

After I texted him I decided to get ready since I have some things to prepare. I decided to plan a picnic after the skating. More like stargazing but I'll prepare some chocolate covered strawberries and some other things.

Right after setting things up I decided to go pick Kaoru up. I skated over to his place which was only a couple minute ride. I knocked on the door and his mom opened the door. "Ha! Kojiro how have you been?" his mom asked. "I've been good and how have you been miss?" I asked. "Great! I'm guessing you're here for Kaoru?" she asked as she smirked. I rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment and shyly nodded. "Kaoru darling Kojiro is here!" she shouted up the stairs.

Moments later Kaoru came down the stairs. He was wearing a plain brown shirt with a green plaid on top of it. He also wore torn jeans. He also wore all his pericings and other accessories. Very bad-boy like I thought as I stared in awe. I was falling for him all over again. I was snapped out of thought by him snapping his fingers in front of me. "Kojiro let's go?" he questioned as he got my attention. "Oh yeah okay let's go. " I said before saying goodbye to his mom. Both of us skated out of his driveway and skated around. We would push each other off of our boards and skate away but would always turn back to help out.

The sun was setting so we decided to get some ice-cream. We went to this local ice-cream shop which sold ice-creams to milkshakes to other ice dessert. We ordered and sat on the chairs outdoors. We talked a bit and finished our ice-cream cups. Before we knew it the sun had set and stars were everywhere on the sky.

"Well that was fun." Kaoru started. "Mhm! It was really fun." I answered. "I've to get goin-" he said until I interrupted him by saying "Wait! Before you go I've one more place to take you." "Oh really?" he asked as I nodded frantically. "Okay I have time." he shrugged as I lead him to a park. I had asked one of my friends to look over the place earlier so no one would take the place. Once we got there I patted kaoru to have a seat near me.

He had tensed up and looked nervous by now so I said "Kaoru I know you are hiding something from me." His eyes darted towards me and he stuttered "Haha, n-no way! What are you t-talking about?" "C'mon I'm not that stupid. It's fine if you don't want to talk about it but I'm just worried you know." I sighed and turned to look at the stars and the moon. Moments later I could feel him softly tapping his fingers on my shoulder.

When I turned both of our eyes met and was just looking at each other. We were looking at each other for what seemed like minutes but it was just a couple of seconds. He broke the silence and said "I don't think I can hide it for any longer any more. Kojiro I am in love with you." I was dumbfounded. I couldn't believe my best friend, my crush likes me back!

"Well why were you avoiding me if you liked me." I asked. "You were flirting back and I felt like you were doing it in a friendly way so I didn't want to get the wrong idea." he said. I started laughing. Laughing at how stupid he was. He was staring at me with blush spread all over his face from embarrassment. "Kaoru you are rather stupid." I said still laughing my ass off. "Huh?" he snorted back. "Why'd you think I let you kiss me? And why'd you think I let you cuddle me, hold hands in public and flirted back every single time? It's because I like you too idiot!" I shouted falling back to look up at the sky.

Then I could feel Kaoru cuddling into me with his head on my arms and his arms wrapped around me. I looked down to see him looking back at me. Both of us leaned in and both of our lips touched. Moments later we pulled away and he whispered "So what are we now?" "Anything you want us to be." I said as I pulled him even closer than we were.

That's it!!! Sorry it took 8 days to write lmao. Again thank you for the request!! Have an amazing day. Get something to eat and drink and take a rest cause you deserve it! Love you all so very much <33

Words : 1073

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