i do 🌸

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So childhood friends au for this one! I'm not sure if they were childhood friends but oh well. A little tw for bullying just yk kids bullying each other :( Let's begin!

Cherry's Pov

My mom dropped me off at this stupid play ground while she go see her stupid friends. How lame. I explored the park a bit until I see a sandbox. I go over there to see trucks, shovels and buckets to play with. I got excited and started playing with the truck and started scoping and dumping the sand.

Before someone came over and shouted "Hey pinky what do you think you are doing with our toys?" I looked up to see a blue haired boy, with a black skull shirt and blue shorts who looked 2 or 3 years older than me. Behind him was a black haired boy with overalls who was on the verge of tears. I just scoffed and said "I didn't know they were your's." I dusted my pants off and got up to leave before he stopped me.

"Don't think you are getting away with this." He pushed me on the ground and started kicking and throwing rocks at me. I may seem sassy and all but I don't know how to defend myself when it comes to fighting. I started sobbing and he started shouting " I, Lord Adam will never let someone take my toys and make Tadashi cry" (sounds stupid ik) I thought this was the end until someone came running to push Adam out of the way.

I looked up to see a boy with green hair with a T-shirt and some shorts with a lot of band aids all over his body. Adam goes "What do you want Joe? Can't you see I'm doing something right now?" "I can see that you are hurting someone!" says Joe. "Well yeah he was playing with my toys and I can't just leave him without teaching him a lesson!" Adam stated. "Just back off Adam! Leave the poor kid alone or I'll tell on you." said Joe. "Ughhh fine I'll go! Don't mess with me again pink hair" said Adam as he walked away.

After Adam left Joe turned to me and held his hand out. I grabbed it and thanked him. "What's your name?" he asked. "My name is Karou." I said. "Well I'll call you Cherry since you look like one. My name is Kojiro but you can call me Joe since we are friends now!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me around the park to play. We played the entire afternoon before my mom came to pick me up.

During the time we've gotten pretty close. My mom would drop me off at the park everyday so we could play. Eventually Joe's mom and my mom became friends which means that we get to see each other most of the time.

Time skip to their high school years~

Me and Kojiro were sitting on the roof of our school enjoying our lunch while talking about skating and other random things while Kojiro stated "Hey Karou, want to get married when we grow older?" I chuckled and said "What? Why?" "I mean no girl seemed to be interested in us plus getting married means being together with the person you love" he said while a hint of blush spread acrossed his face. "Haha yeah sure let's get married" I said while smiling at him.

Time skip to years later~

"I do." said Kojiro. The priest continues "and will Kaoru Sakurayashiki take Kojiro Nanjo as you loving groom?" "I do." "Now you may kiss the groom." Cheers could be heard behind us and we couldn't be happier. We were finally together.

Ahhh another chapter is done lovelies!!! What did you think of this one? I don't think I've actually thanked you guys for all the support so thank you everybody. Thank you so much for the votes, reads and overall all the support I really appreciate them <333 Love you guys so much and have a wonderful day/night <3

Words : 685

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