The diner 🌸

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Thanks you so much for the support lately it's insane!! ilysm <33 Anyways Enjoy :))

Joe's Pov

I am currently walking down the highway with my phone in hand since my girlfriend well now ex broke up with me. I mean I wasn't even the one at fault. She was the one who cheated on me and decided to be all pissed off when I confronted her about it. As soon as I confronted her she started screaming at me about how I shouldn't have found out and how she deserved someone better than me.

I mean I was angry that she was the one who was mad when I found out but I couldn't really care anymore. She was a bitch after all. I was lost in thought when it started raining. Could my day get any worse?! I ran trying to seek shelter when I saw a small diner across the street.

I was also hungry so I ran to it. I was careful since the ground was a wet from the water and there were cars on the highway as well.

I made it to the diner and opened the door. A little bell chimed as I entered earning "welcomes" from the staff. I got seated in one of the booths and was given a menu. I looked around a bit seeing an old fashioned jukebox in the corner. There were also old records on the wall with other music related things stuck on it.

After looking around a bit I finally focused on the menu. I was given the breakfast, lunch and dinner menu. There were many different options to choose from but I finally decided on fries and garlic bread for appetizers and a beef burger for the main course. I decided to order dessert later.

I put my order in and scanned my eyes around the restaurant for the second time to pass my time. The staff wore pink dresses with a white apron. They had a pocket on the apron to keep their notepads and pen.

The staff looked cute in their outfits but a particular person caught my eye. He had his long pink hair tucked in a bun with bits falling to the sides. His dress fits perfectly on him and he looked prefect. He was the prettiest out of all of them in my opinion.

He was working at the bar area of the diner. Am I not moving on too fast I thought. I was staring at him when both of our eyes met. He quickly turned away while being bright red. I chuckled softly and said "it's cute how he get embarrassed quickly."

I started scrolling on my phone for a while when my order arrived. I looked up from my phone seeing it was the pink-haired fella I was looking at.

I said thanks and before he walked away I said "You look cute." He turned back immediately and chuckled "You don't look too bad yourself too." "Thanks I try. Well pinky what's your number?" I shoot my shot.

"Haha no." he said.

"Awhhh why??" I whined. "I mean first of all you don't even know my name." he sighed. "Okay then what's your name?" I asked. "It's Kaoru. Now what's yours?" he asked. "Mines Kojiro. So that means you're giving it to me?" I asked hopefully.

"No." He said as he turned away.

Playing hard to get aren't you I thought as I chuckled. I decided to finish my food before I order dessert. I had my eyes on him the entire time I ate. I would wink at him from time to time and he would blow kisses in return. I might get his number I thought as I took one last bite of my burger.

I pressed a button signaling I needed assistance. In my luck Kaoru came to take my order. "How may I help you Kojiro~" he cooed. "I was thinking of getting dessert. Have anything?" I asked knowingly the dessert menu was in front of me. He listed off the dessert they served and as he finished I asked "Are you on the menu?" "No but do you want me though?" He smirked. This time I blushed. I didn't expect him to say that.

I coughed a bit and replied "Oh god." He laughed at my response and said "Idiot. What do you really want?" "I'll get a banana split and the bill please." I said. "Awhh leaving so soon?" he said as he noted my order down and walked away.

Oh my lord. He is so hot. I regained myself as my split arrived and my bill. I was too busy eating that I didn't notice the numbers on the bill. As I finished I payed and put the receipt in my pocket walked out.

I called a cab and went back home. When I arrived I was taking things out of my pocket and the receipt came flying out. I picked it up seeing numbers and a note on the receipt.

*random number* here you go~

I was shocked I didn't actually think he would give me hosted number.

This is it!! I got too carried away writing this chapter lol. Sorry the ending is a bit rushed I didn't know how to end it. Anyways have an amazing day and love y'all so very much <33

Words : 900

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