i've got a crush on you 🌸

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Y'all know the Speed audio where it goes "And i've got a crush on you, and I like you. -hangs up-" yeah that? Well this is inspired by that lol.

Joe's Pov

Today was the day. The day I was going to confess to Kaoru. My best friend, my rival and my everything. He means the world to me and confessing could ruin our friendship but I still have hope that he feels the same. Lately he has been flirting with me a lot more than usual and I hope he is doing it out of love and not messing with my feelings. I want my confess to be romantic so he would remember it if we dated eventually. I am getting ahead of myself I thought as my thoughts were interrupted by a phone call.

I looked at the phone to see it was Karou who was calling me. I panicked before calming myself down to answer the call. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey Kojiro" he said. "No names this time?" I asked jokingly. "Do you want me to call you names?" he asked a bit more pissed. "No. Anyways do you need anything?" I asked trying to be calmed as much as I can.

I could hear nothing but heavy breathing from his side. I got worried and asked "Karou you good love?" (He's trying to flirt) "Ughh you don't know what you do to me." he said. "Huh what do you mean?" I asked still confused on what was going on. "God you can be so dumb sometimes. All I'm trying to say is I've got a crush on you. I like you god dammit-" was all I heard before I hung up.

Cherry's Pov.

Shit shit shit I messed everything up. We were fine being friends and I had to ruin everything by confessing. He probably hates me now. He probably doesn't even want to be friends anymore.

Joe's Pov

Oh my fucking god. He just confessed to me. He likes me back? He likes me back! Oh my god I did not just hung up on him. I have to apologize and return his feelings I thought before dialing his number. I had to wait a couple minutes until his finally picked up. "Hello?" he replied. I could hear him sniffing, he probably had been crying. "Hey Karou you know-" I said before getting interrupted by Karou saying "Before you start I am sorry for confessing it's fine if you don't want to be friends anymore. "

"I love you." "Huh? What?" "I said I love you Karou." "Haha stop messing with me. You don't have to say that just to make me feel better." "No I really do. I've been in love with you since high school but I was too much of a coward to confess." "You really are a big idiot aren't you." "Your idiot." "Yea you sure are. So does this mean?" "Yes it does. We are boyfriends now babe." (ew)

This is kinda bad tbh but hopefully you still enjoyed. Thank you so much for the support and your patience. Love you all so much and hope you have a wonderful day lovelies <33

Words : 533

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