Rock on 🌸

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A band au of the boys. A little intro - Cherry as the guitarist, Joe as the drummer, Reki on the vocals (best boy), Langa as the bassist, Miya as the pianist and Shadow as the second guitarist. They are all aged up but Miya is still the youngest lmao. Oh and they have stage names like their skater names :)

No one's Pov

The band "S" had blew up with millions of fans around the globe. The band consists of Joe (Kojiro), Cherry (Karou), Reki (Reki), Snow (Langa) , Miya (Miya) and Shadow (Hiromi). Their fans loved all their performances. They were filled with laughter, enjoyment, friendship and romance. The fans had created ships within the members and they soon acknowledge them.

"I can't believe they would ship me with this dopey gorilla!" sighed Cherry. "C'mon Pinky don't act like you don't like it." said Joe. Those two are Cherry and Joe. They were the most popular ship in the fandom. They had some really interesting and flirty moments together even though they would be fighting with each other most of the time. On stage Cherry being the guitarist would be in the front while Joe being in the back since he was the drummer would always go to the back near Joe and sing along the chorus while staring at Joe. This would happen every single performance. The fans loved it. (kinda cringe lmao)

"Reki your voice is amazing. Could you sing me a song?" asked langa. "Oh um s-sure langa. Anything for y-you." said Reki stuttering. Reki and Langa were high school sweethearts. They recently confessed and started dating when everyone else knew they had something going on between them even before they revealed it.

Miya's Pov

"These bitches gay as fuck." I chuckled before turning over to Shadow to ask if he wanted to go practice but I saw him giggling to his phone. "Oh?" I thought as I slid over to Shadow and grabbed his phone out of his hands. "Miya you little-! Give it back!" growled Shadow. "And why would I do that? Let's see who it is." I smirked. It was Oka. He makes all the costumes and props for our group. I didn't know they were talking to each other. I scrolled through the texts seeing all the lovey dovey shit couples do. I didn't want to continue reading since I've already suffered enough with my group members. (#SaveMiya 😔✊)

Before anything else could happen our manager came rushing through the door. Mr Kamado (idfk 💀) came over with flyers and handed them out to each of us. On the top of the flyer it read "Band Showdown" in bold. Reki started "Sir, What's this for?" "Well
as you can see it's a band showdown. It's basically a competition between different bands and the winner with the most votes from the audience will have a chance to fly out the US and preform there." he said. As soon as he finished all of us broke out with cheers and excitement. We never really preform against other bands so this is a big step for us.

Time skip to the big day~

No ones Pov

It was finally the big day for the boys. They were all nervous and excited for their performance. Cherry was the least nervous out of the group since he was the best out of all of them and had practiced the most and he had Joe by his side.

The time passed and it was finally their turn. There were so many different bands who tried hard and could be good competition for them.

All 6 of the boys walked onto the stage and got into their places. They waited until the curtain opened revealing a crowd of people. The crowd eruption into cheers ans claps welcoming them onto the stage. "Is everyone having a good time?" Reki asked shouting. "Yesss" the crowd screamed back. "Okay okay so my name is Reki-" "Reki not yet. We have to preform first." Cherry whispered but the crowd still heard. "Oh yeah. Shit sorry." Reki said a bit embarrassed. The crowd laughed. "Anyways we are going to preform the song Paradise. Enjoy."

As Reki finished Joe started to tap his drumsticks to start counting. "1..2..1..2.. 3..4" They started playing the song.

"Take me to the top" Reki started singing.

The rest of the song~

"Phew. That was tiring. How did everyone think?" Reki shouted. The crowd erupted with cheers, claps, whistles and other noise of enjoyment. "Haha. Thank you everyone!" Reki grined. "Well I'm Reki, the vocalist." the crowd cheered. "This is Cherry our lead guitarist." said Reki as Cherry strummed his guitar strings. "This is Snow our bassist." Langa bowed. "This is Miya our pianist." Miya pressed a key. "This is our other guitarist Shadow." Shadow stucked his tongue out and posed. "And last but not least our drummer Joe!" Joe hit the drums. "And we are S!" everyone said in union.

After everything else was done all of them went to their room to take a rest while other bands preformed. After a while Langa could be seen getting dragged away by Reki to see the other band preform. Shadow disappeared somewhere with his phone and Miya went off to find something to eat. Joe and Cherry were the only ones left.

"You did well baby" cooed Joe. "Mhm I know I did." whispered Cherry as he walked over to sit on Joe's lap. "I think I need a reward for doing well don't you think?" asked Cherry. Joe chuckled and said "What do you want?" "Hmm let's see" Cherry said as he pretended to think. "Oh shut up" Joe said as he placed his lips on Cherry.

"God finally" could be heard from behind them. Both of them looked back to see Miya looking right back at them.


Words : 1013

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