Them 🌸

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This is going to be in Miya's Pov. All the characters included are adults and they don't know each other in this story. Enjoy :))

Miya's Pov

I've always been a people watcher. I work in a bar meaning I get more chances to watch. After serving customers their drinks I get free time which I spend watching people. It may seem creepy and all but watching people is quite interesting.

Not many come around the bar but there are a couple of interesting regulars. Like this one couple who fight every single time. They come around every Friday night for their date. That's nice how they have a date night every week. I didn't really catch their names but one of them is an artist I think? I don't really know but he does do something relating to art. The other one is a chef in one of my favorite restaurants.

The chef guy and I have small talk whenever he is waiting for his boyfriend. He likes to talk about his boyfriend a lot. All he talks about is how much he loves him and all the little things that his boyfriend does. I practically know this guy personally by this point.

The artist and I don't really talk much. He's more reserved but when he's with his boyfriend? A whole different person.

They bicker a lot but it's more of a way of showing affection. They are high school sweethearts and I'm surprised that they stayed together for this long. They've had their ups and downs in their relationship but they still managed to stay together for this long.

They do act lovey dovey sometimes. Like one time a girl was flirting with the chef without knowing his boyfriend is sitting literally 3 feet away from them. The guy seemed uncomfortable but they girl wouldn't just back off. Seems like the artist is jealous. Then something unexpected happened.

The artist was sitting on the chef's lap and was kissing him. I mean it's not that surprising they probably have done more than that. I just assumed they weren't a fan of PDA. Shouldn't have assumed then.

The chef has been talking about proposing soon. I mean I saw it coming by how long they have been together. Since he arrives before the artist the guy likes to talk to me about how he's going to prepare for the proposal. How he wants to propose on the beach or what kind of ring he wants to get him or what kind of wedding he wants and so on. It's kind of sickening how much he loves this guy. (jealous mf)

Looks like they got married. The both have matching rings and they seems even happier than before. I'm happy for them.

It's quite interesting watching people. Lol.

Can't believe we are on the 30th part already! Wow. Anyways hope you enjoyed. The writing style is kinda weird ngl. Hopefully it is still readable lol. Bye. Have a good day!!

Words : 502

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