Rainy Day 🌸

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My mom caught me using my phone during exam season so she took it lmao. But I still have my computer hehehe. I should really be studying......Nahhhh here's a chapter instead :)

Cherry's Pov

Rainy days are the best. Especially days with Kojiro. We would spend days cuddling, watching movies and just spending time together. Today was like any other day. I would go back home after a long day of working. Today I had to deal with a difficult person. He wouldn't stop asking me to do a design even though I clearly said I couldn't do it. It was very stressful. God I miss Kojiro. I really want to hug that muscle-y gorilla bastard.

I was about to watch a movie when the power went out. It was rainy a lot guess that's why. Just great I thought. I couldn't see anything so I took out my phone's flash light to find some candles I could light up. All I could find were these vanilla scented candles that Kojiro got me for our 5th anniversary. I lit (🔥) them around the house. My entire house smelt like vanilla which was comforting.

I heard banging on the door which made me jump. Who the fuck would show up at this time. I opened the door expecting it was so random person before seeing Kojiro. I saw him all wet. I rushed him inside answer said " What are you doing here?" "I came to see you. " before giving me a hug. I pushed him away and said "Ew no get away from me. You are going to get me all wet" he looked hurt. I direct him to the bathroom since he was dripping water all over my floor. I told him to take a shower and so he did. I went to the closest to find him something to wear. I didn't have anything besides the hoodie I stole from him. Guess I have to give it back some day. I got a clean towel and placed clean clothes in front of the bathroom knocking "here are some fresh clothes to change into."

I sat on the couch waiting for him to finish his shower. I scrolled on my phone for a bit before a pair of arms wrapped around my neck and pulling me into a kiss. I kissed back and slowly opened my eyes to see a green head staring right back at me. He jumped on the couch before holding his arms out. I accepted it and embraced him. He felt warm and comforting.

I snuggled deeper into him and he hugged me even tighter. No words were shared between us but we were fine with it. We had each other after all.

I don't think the end really made sense but oh well. Don't open doors to strangers kids. Anyways thank you for the support and all the love I really appreciate them <33 Also thank you for being patient and stuff. Stay safe and healthy everyone!!!

Words: 504

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