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Ig we are going to use prompt generators from now on lol

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Ig we are going to use prompt generators from now on lol. I kinda changed the plot a bit and stuff. Ik it's a shitty title.

Joe's Pov

Every since the accident with Adam Cherry has been unable to do things on his own. Simple things like feeding himself, dressing himself and other simple daily tasks. As his amazing boyfriend I've been doing things for him.

For the past few days I've been getting up earlier than usual to make me and him breakfast. He usual eats bacon and eggs so I made that for him. After cooking I would go wake him up and shower him with kisses. Then I would guide him to the bathroom and help him get ready. He has enough arm strength to brush his own teeth so while he does that I tie his hair in a low pony tail. Then we will do his skincare since Mr Sakurayashiki doesn't want to miss his daily skincare routine. After all of that I help him get dress. He has a meeting today so he is going to his office so I sat him on the bed while I picked out his best kimono. I slipped his pajamas off and wrapped the kimono around him and finally got him dressed. Then I carried him down the stairs and sat him on the kitchen stool. I plated the food and placed it in front of him. We ate in silence and finally got ready to head out. He got on his wheelchair and waited for me. I got the keys and my wallet and pushed him out the door. I sat him in the passenger's seat and folded his wheelchair. I got in the driver's seat and drove to his office. Once we got there I wheeled him in. I gave him a peck before driving off to my restaurant.

Time skip after work~

I finished my shift and let one of my worker handle the rest. When I got in front of Cherry's office he was already waiting for me outside. I get him all seated and drove back to our shared apartment. We finally arrived and we washed ourselves off and make sure we were cleaned. I then got ready to change his bandages. I unravel the old ones and toss them in the bin. I then
got new and clean bandages out and wrapped it all around him. Then he decided to read a book while I get dinner all set up. We are having spaghetti tonight so I boiled the noodles and made my signature tomato sauce. After the noodles were cooked I strained the water and plated it. Then poured the sauce on top and sprinkled it with cheese as the final touch. I went upstairs to see Cherry asleep so I kissed him awake. He groaned and looked at me all pissed. I chuckled and just guided him down stairs. We ate and talked and just enjoyed each other's presence. After all that we got ready for a movie. Cherry was on the couch picking a movie out while I made some popcorn. The microwave beeped and I took the bag out and poured it's content in a big plastic bowl. I also got some soda out of the fridge and placed all the snacks on a tray. I placed the tray on the coffee table and kissed Cherry's forehead. I sat on the couch and pulled him closer to me. We cuddled and watched the movie in peace. We eventually fell asleep.

Hihi lovelies how did you think of this one? I think it's a bit rushed but any feedback is welcomed!! Thank you so much for all the support and being patient with every other chapter!!!Anyways stay safe, be healthy and love y'all so very much <33

Words: 641

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