Stargazing 🌸

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It's currently 2 am and i'm writing this so bare with me if it's shitty lmao. Plus I'm rewatching gravity falls lol :) (not that anyone asked)

Cherry's Pov

I just finished my bath and was getting ready for bed when I heard tapping on the windows. I thought it was the wind or the birds or something like that and just ignored it. I couldn't ignore it for long since it got louder and it got annoying fast. I finally got up and opened my window to be hit with rocks directly onto my face. I saw Kojiro with a handful of rocks. He goes "Oh hey babe!" I yelled in frustration "What do you think you're doing?" "Oh I just wanted your attention didn't mean to hit you in the face." he replied with a cheeky grin.

"Okay what do you want?" I asked. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere with me?" he said. "At this time?" I asked him shockingly. "Well, yea it's pretty and it's romantic at this time." he said a bit shyly. I sighed "Sure I'll be out in a minute."

I put on a blue hoodie and some dark sweatpants hoping it won't be too cold outside. I put my phone and keys into my hoodie pocket and headed out. Once I got out Joe gave me a peck on my lips and whisphered "Shall we go?" I nodded and we headed out.

He held my hand as we walked and talked. We had lots of fun, talking, joking around and insulting each other. Finally we arrived at a forest and I asked "Are you going to murder me?". He chuckled and said "Haha no but let's go." He pulled out a random flashlight which kind of surprised me and continue walking through the forest.

Until he stopped and turned his flashlight off. He lead me to an open field with trees all around it and a view of the clear night sky. It was breathtaking and I couldn't stop staring at the night sky. I was admiring the sky until I felt large hands wrap around my waist. "Do you like it?" Kojiro whispered. "Mhm. I love it. Thank you so much." I replied. I turned around and hugged him back. Now we were hugging each other and staring at each other.

Then he leaned in with his eyes closed. I chuckled lightly and leaned in as well. We kissed under the night sky.

This one is pretty short and not the best but hope you still enjoyed. Oh and sorry for the lack of updates. And thank you for over 400 reads??? WHATTT??? LITERALLY THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I hope you have a wonderful day/night and love y'all so very much <33

Words : 467

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