You're high 🌸

539 16 1

Tw: a bit of blood

Cherry's Pov

"Noo" Joe cried out as I started laughing uncontrollably. "You're married? To who?!" Joe started whining. By now I had been laughing for 2 minutes without giving Joe an answer. Joe just got his wisdom teeth removed and he is still high off anesthesia. I was having the time of his life. Joe was usually well put together and seeing him all high and wonky is pretty funny. The nurses were looking at him all funny so I decided to take him home.

I lead him to the car while he was still whining and crying all about how I was married. I had to take break during the way cause I was dying of laughter. We finally made it home and he goes "Where are we? This isn't my house?" I chuckled and said "Well this is our shared house." "Huh?? Won't your significant other be mad since you're living with your hot friend?" he said while trying not to cry.

I can't with him I thought before saying "Nahh it'll be fine. He knows it after all." He just nodded and walked into house all wobbly. Then he goes "Can I meet him?" "Hmm who?" I said while getting him all set up on the couch. "Who else? Your husband!" he said. I sat right by him and said "Give me your left hand." He gave me his right hand. "No your left hand silly." As he gave me his hand I placed my hand right next to his. It took him a while to notice but when he did his face lit up.

"Oh my god! I married to you?" "Mhm. Yes you are." I nodded. He leaned in for a kiss before I stopped him and said "Uhh no. Not with bloody cotton bits all in your mouth." He proceeded to take them out before I stopped him and said "I'll give you a kiss when you are all better. I promise."

This one is pretty short but hope it was still enjoyable. It's pacing was a bit fast but still pretty fun to write lol. Anyways have a wonderful day everyone! Love you <333

Words : 368

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