Secret Admirer 🌸

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Teenage MatchaBlossom!! They don't know each other but still go to the same school. Enjoy :))

Cherry's Pov

It was normal morning. I did my daily morning routine which was the same as every other day and headed out to school. I wasn't popular at school so I'm mostly by myself most of the time so no one really paid any mind to me.

So I was surprised when I saw a green envelope in my shoe locker when I entered school. I picked it and gave it a good look. It reads "For you, from your secret admirer~"

I had a secret admirer? No of course not it's probably some type of joke or is meant for someone else but they probably put it the wrong locker. That's right! No one likes me. I shrugged it off, threw the envelope in the bin and went on with my day.

The next day comes around and as I opened my locker another green envelope comes flying out. This time it had my name on it. So I was sure it wasn't for anyone else. I was a bit nervous since it was my first love "confession" but nonetheless I quickly opened it. There it reads :

"Dear Kaoru, I saw you throw my letter away yesterday which I'm pretty mad about but who could be mad at you for long? Anyways I've had my eyes on you for the longest time (not in a stalker way) and wanted to shoot my shot. I love the way you tuck your into a bun and how much of an eye candy you are. You truly are a wonderful person and just wanted to tell you that. Sorry if I do sound like a creep I mean no harm I promise. Hope for another letter tomorrow. XOXO, Your Secret Admirer."

Wow that was a lot of information to take in. They do seem pretty nice but I don't want to trust them too quickly in case it was some sort of prank to mess with me. As I tuck the letter in my bag I saw a green-haired fella looking right at me.

That's it! I won't continue it so let your imagination run wild lmao. And I also didn't want to write too many "confessions" tropes. I mean this one is also a confession but still they don't get together you know what I mean? Sorry it's pretty short. Anyways have a wonderful day beautiful people <33

Words : 416

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