I don't like you (3) 🌸

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This is the final part of "I don't like you"! Enjoy :))

Joe's Pov

This is the day of the date. Can't believe I agreed to it. We are going to a cafe so I will probably wear something pretty casual. I looked through my closet trying to find something to wear when I got a notification on my phone. I look over to see who it was from, it was from Kaoru.

Kaoru 💕 - hey are you free today? I was hoping we could talk?

Me - oh shit I'm sorry. I have a date today. Hopefully we can talk after it?

Kaoru 💕 - Oh a date? With who?

Me - Ah you know Sakura? with her.

Kaoru 💕 - Why? Oh sorry then we can meet another day then...

Me - are u sure? We can go today.

Kaoru 💕 - nono it's fine :)

Me - oh okay.

He seemed mad or something I thought before getting ready to head out. I hopped into my car driving to her house. I stopped in front of her house and walked to her door. I rang the doorbell and she opened. She had her hair tied up in a low ponytail and was wearing a kimono. She was wearing glasses too even though she didn't need them.

"Why are you trying to look like Cherry?" I blurted out. Shit why did I say it out loud. She glared at me before smiling "Of course not silly I would never do that. Just wanted to try something new." I awkwardly laughed before I could feel her launching onto me. "Anyways baby let's head out shall we?" "Sure"

I opened the car door for her and went over to driver's side. The entire ride was filled with her talking about how happy she was about the date. We finally arrived at the town centre where there were multiple restaurant to choose from and shops. We walked around a bit with her hands still hanging from me while my hands were placed around her waist by her.

We got complements from people saying "how cute we were" or "how prefect for each other." Ew. I don't like her like that. Would have been better if it were Kaoru instead. We arrived at the cafe after a short walk. We sat on the table which were outside while we looked through the menu. The menu had desserts, drinks, instagram worthy food and other types of food. I ordered a cheesecake and a coffee. While she ordered some macarons and a milkshake.

While we waited the conversation was her flirting with me the entire time. I was getting pretty uncomfortable. The food finally arrived and we begin eating. I was sipping my coffee and taking bits of my cakes. I was spacing out until she started speaking. "Hey you know that you have me right?" "What do you mean?" I replied confused.

"I'm saying that you have me instead of Cherry. I'm much better than him." she said. "No you're not." I said unfazed. "Why? I'm clearly the better option." she said. "God can you shut up? Kaoru respects people boundaries unlike you." I scoffed. "He is 1 million times better than you. He is nice, he has an amazing personality unlike you, he doesn't try to force people to like him and everything else he does is perfect. I have rejected you countless times and have said I wasn't interested. How do you not understand." I said taking a bite out of my cake before getting up to leave and I left money of course.

I could hear her screaming at me to come back or else she'll do something. Guess her true colors are shown I chuckled to my own joke. (how sad) Since the "date" was finished I blocked her contact since I didn't want to be associated with a psycho like her. Glad to be free from her.

Since all this was done I decided to call Kaoru to see if he wanted to meet and say the thing he had been meaning to say. I gave him a call but he didn't answer. Huh? Weird. He's probably away from his phone or something. I'll just text him instead.

Me - hey I'm currently free rn. So if you want to meet text me <3

I just decided to shrug it off since he might be busy so I carried on with my day. A co-worker called in sick so I had to take their shift with a short notice. I texted kaoru that I wasn't free anymore and that I was sorry before keeping my phone away since the restaurant was pretty busy. During the shift Sakura came in asking for forgiveness which I denied which made her mad. She wouldn't stop screaming at me and was refusing to leave so we had to call the police. What an interesting experience.

Finally finished my shift so I checked my phone but there weren't any texts from Kaoru so I got pretty worried. I called him but no response. I have to go check up on him I thought.

On the way to his house and it started to rain. Oh great. I arrived and knocked on his door until a Kaoru opened. His eyes we're red and puffy. He had dried up tears on his cheeks and his entire face was red. "Kaoru are you okay?" I asked softly. "What do you want?" he asked as his voice cracked. I immediately pulled him into a hug. "Why are you doing this to me?" he asked as tears started pouring out of his eyes.

We were now inside of his house, still hugging while the door is still wide open. "One moment you act all interested and the next moment you go on dates." he said still crying. "What do you mean?" "You are so dumb. God I like you okay? It's fine if you hate me now. Just leave." "You're the dumb one here. I like you too." By now he had pulled away to look at me if I was serious or not. We were just staring at each other and getting closer. We were close enough that we could feel each other's breath.

"Can I?" I asked. (consent is very important!!) He nodded and both of us got even closer. I kissed his cheeks first then moved over to his nose then his eye and then under his mouth and finally his lips.

His lips were soft and a bit chapped but the kiss was rather enjoyable. The kiss wasn't heated but rather filled with love and emotion.

Both of us pulled away and stared at each other before laughing. "I love you Kaoru." "I love you too you big gorilla."

That's it!! My first three part story how did you think? The suspense for a shitty confession lmfao. Anyways hopefully you enjoyed. If you want you can vote too lol. Make sure to be healthy and I love y'all so much <333

Words : 1172

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