Records 🌸

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Sleep deprived as fuck so I wrote this in a sitting instead of sleeping. Anyways this is something related to music and records. Also it's has the song included above^^ Enjoy :))

Cherry's Pov

I've always loved music. I love everything about it. Ever since I was a child me and my mom would listen to music on this old record player my grandpa had. My mom also loved music. She had a collection of records and I would spend hours listening to them. That's probably how my love of music formed.

Plus getting a job at a music shop was everything I could have dreamed off. The shop was small but there were many thing in it. It feels a bit cramped in there at times with everything in there but it's nice. My days revolves around organizing records, cleaning, helping customers and stocking shelfs with guitar strings and other knick-knacks. My favorite part is getting new, well technically old records in and looking through and sorting them.

Today was like another other day. I wake up at 7 a.m and got ready. I take a quick shower and change. My work doesn't have a uniform so we can dress however we wanted. Today was a bit chilly and the weather forecast said it might even rain! I put on a forest green sweater and some black pants. I put my shoes and headed out. On the way I grabbed a coffee and a breakfast sandwich. I was the first one so I opened the shop up and got everything ready to open. I put a chalkboard sign up front and flipped to the "open" side of the sign.

And I clipped my name tag on. The day went on as customers came in and out. I helped a lot of people get new instruments and help people change their guitars and bass strings. No one really looked at the records which I'm kind of disappointed of.

As the customers settled down the rain started pouring. It was so unexpected, I mean I knew it would rain but the sudden change in weather surprised me. I could see people rush into cars, building and opening their umbrellas. I was just looking out daydreaming when the bell on top of the door chimed and a guy rushed in. It was a tall, handsome guy who was soaking wet with green hair who was totally my type. I rushed to get a towel to get him dry.

"Shit are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah. Thanks." he replied. As he dried himself off I couldn't help but stare. Both of our eyes locked the moment he finished drying off. I could just look at him for hours.

"Haha nice place you've got here." he said breaking the silence. "Oh thanks. You can look around if you want." I replied.

As I said that he looked around for a bit until he walked directly to the record shelf. Normally people would start with the guitars or the little things on the shelfs but not him. He went through the records, picking things up and putting them back down and fully circling the record player we had each time he passed by it. I walked over to him and asked "You wanna give it a go?"

"Can I really?" he asked looking at me. "Yeah, of course have any specific song you want?" I asked. "No not really you can choose." I nodded and went over to look for the specific vinyl. It was "Can't help falling in love." It's my all times favorite.

I took the vinyl out from the sleeve and placed it on the player carefully. I then pulled the pin down. I like to do these things carefully since I didn't really wanted to damage anything and it's just fun. The song started to play and it seems like he immediately knew what it was.

The song continued to play and both of us were swaying around just listening to the music when be started "Hey wanna dance?" as he held his hand out to me. I was shocked but nodded as we linked arms. (?)

I was in his arms and he so carefully wrapped his arms around my waist. I didn't really know how we ended up like this but i'm glad we did. We were dancing a bit and laughing a whole lot. We really clicked then and just got along within those few minutes. As the song ended he started leaning in and I wasn't going to turn him down so I leaned in as well.

He seemed shocked that I kissed back but he didn't seemed to mind. A couple minutes had gone by and by now it was a full make out session. We pulled away out of breath just panting and staring at each other.

"Wow." I said. "Yeah." We stared at each other before he started again "Then could I possibly take you out on a date?" I just nodded back at him.

Random thought but the fact Cindereki is real and made by the creators themselves with the real VAs and not a fandom creation is just mind blowing. Plus the entire CD was a fever dream, so many things were happening but it was HILARIOUS and it was really cute too. God this chapter sucked. Okay bye love you <33

Words : 901

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