Can't stop thinking of you 🌸

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This is inspired by the song "Tek It" by Cafunè. Highly recommend the song^^ Teen MatchaBlossom. I'm extremely sleep deprived and it's 2 am so sorry if it's shitty. Enjoy :))

Joe's Pov

I walked Kaoru back to his house after skating and spending the entire day together. Just us. After we said our goodbyes and me making sure he was safe I started to go home. As I was walking home I passed by a playground so I decided to stop by and hang around a bit.

I sat on one of the swings as it creaked a bit. I was head empty just staring at the moon. Admiring the stars and it's beauty wishing Kaoru was here with me. Why did I think of him I thought. Thinking back to moments we had shared.

All the picnics we had where his hair would usually be down causing it to flow around by the wind. And him tucking the bits of hair that has fallen onto his face. Him laughing at my jokes even though I know they weren't funny.

All the time we would spend skating, learning new tricks, failing and being together through out everything. He would usually nail new tricks after a couple of times while I would take a couple of days to master them. Even though I might be a bit bad at skating that doesn't mean he'll leave me. All the sleepovers we would have. The times where would be watching a horror movie and he would cling onto me.

The times where he would fall asleep onto my shoulder or even better on my chest. He would always be cuddly when we were alone together.

I like the cuddly and more softer side of Kaoru. During these times he would give me slight pecks on my nose or my cheeks or even my lips. He would sometimes even let me play with his hair. I would braid it, do all types of hair styles or just run my fingers through them. We are friends but I don't think these little gestures are what friends do.

I've been thinking a lot and I think I want to be more than friends with him. I don't really want to be out yet but I just know I want to be with him forever. Most of the time my thought are mostly about my relationship with Kaoru or just Kaoru himself and it seems like I can't stop thinking about him.

This is one of my shorter chapters but hope you still enjoyed. Anyways have an amazing day everyone. Love y'all so much <33

Words : 440

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