Hand holding 🌸

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Oh and little heads up they aren't dating YET in this fanfic :)

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Oh and little heads up they aren't dating YET in this fanfic :)

Joe's Pov

I just won two tickets to a nearby fair from a raffle and i don't know who to give the extra ticket to. I could ask a random girl but it might be kind of awkward. So I decided to ask the one and only Kaoru Sakurayashiki. Not that I like him of course just because I have no one else to and he's my friend after all. (*wink*)

I went back to my restaurant since I went to the market to get groceries and conveniently there was a raffle. When I got back I called Cherry. "Hey Cherry, do you want to go to a fair with me?" "And why would I do that? Go with your chicks instead." he sighed. "Oh god why are you so difficult to work with? I just want to go with you so will you go with me or not." He was quiet for a second until he spoke up "Yea sure I'll go with you. Text me the date and time I got to go." and just like that I've scored myself a "date".

I've texted him the date and time and continued working on the restaurant. I was very happy but who knows what will go on at the fair.

Time skip to the day of the "date"~

I woke up and was really excited for our "date". I couldn't sleep last night but I did in the end. I got ready for the day and couldn't pick what to wear. I could wear my usual jacket but it's too plain and I kind of wanted to impress Cherry. I am not a fashionista and have really bad fashion taste. I finally decided on wearing a brown jacket with a black t-shirt under and jeans. I then put on my black converses and headed out to pick Cherry up.

Before getting to his house I picked up some red roses from Shadow's shop for Cherry. I drove around Cherry's house a couple of times before finally getting out to pick him up. I knocked on the door and the door finally opened. I saw Cherry dressed in a black turtleneck and a brown cardigan and black pants. He chuckled and whispered "We match." I then looked at him up and down before saying "Haha guess we do." then I handed him the boquet of roses and said "These are for you." He took them out of my hands, smiled and smelled them. His smile was beautiful I thought. He gave me a peck on the cheeks and said "Thank you. Shall we go?" I was dumbfounded. He just gave me a kiss. Cherry just gave me KISS.

I regained myself and said "U-uh yea sure l-let's go." I can't believe I just stuttered, I mentally slapped myself. We walked to the car and I opened the door for him and he said "What a gentleman." He got inside and I went to the driver's side and started driving. The ride to the fair was filled with jamming to the radio, small talk and a couple moments of awkward tension. We finally arrived and both of us got out of our respective sides. Then he linked our arms together and started walking towards the entrance. We gave our tickets and entered the fair.

"What should we do first?" I asked. "Look at those plushies! Could you win me one?" asked Cherry. I mean I could not just say no to him so I nodded and guided him to the game stand. It was hit the pins down and win a prize so it was pretty easy. I hit all ten pins down and won the prize for Cherry. He looked so happy as he hugged the plushy. I subconsciously gave him a kiss on the forehead and said "Glad you like it." I realized what I had done and apologized but he said it was fine and continued walking. We spend a lot of time playing games and winning prizes and by we I mean I won the games and Cherry took the prizes. We also rode some rides and had a lot fun.

By now we were getting hungry so we headed to the food court and it's seemed like a lot of people were hungry too. There were a lot of people lined up, people around the food stalls and people sitting down to eat. I didn't even know where to go then I realized Cherry was holding my hand. I look at him and asked why and he goes "Oh this? It's so that we won't get separated! " and he smiles. We finally found something to eat. We got hot-dogs and chilli fries for me while Cherry got cheesy fries. We got a place to sit and ate.

By the time we finished the sun was setting and we needed to ride one more ride before we go home. We were still holding hands when we were rushing to the ferris-wheel to catch the sunset. We finally got to our carriage and took a set. We got to the top of the and the view of the sunsethe was amazing. We were watching the sunset when I decided to tell him something. It's now or never I thought.

I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned to look at me. He was gorgeous. "Hmm?" he asked. "Well I've something to tell you." I said as I tucked a piece of hair on his face behind his ear. I then cupped his face with one of my hand and surprisingly he leaned into my hand. I started "You see, I was confused with my feelings until today. The more time I spent with you the more I realized that I wanted to be with you. So Kaoru do you want to be my boyfriend?" I didn't hear anything from him so I thought he was going to reject me and we would stop being friends. I then felt a pair of lips on mine. I was surprised at first but then realized what was going on so I leaned in and returned the kiss.

We finally parted ways and he asked "Does this answer your questions?" I nodded and we kissed again.

Yooo this one is pretty long lol. This is probably one of my favorite one I've written so far so what did you think? Anyways thank you for the support and any feedback is welcomed!! Love y'all so much and have a wonderful day <33

Words : 1108

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