Behind the scenes 🌸

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An actor AU where Joe and Cherry are cast to act as a couple when the pair eventually falls for each other. I don't know anything about how casting work and overall how movies are made so bare with me lmao. Enjoy :))

Kaoru's Pov

I was reading when my agent called asking if I wanted to play as one of the main character in a romance movie. I haven't gone to set in a while with all the virus spreading so I reluctantly agreed. I didn't really cared about what I was playing so I went to audition as soon as possible.

I audition for one of the main character and hoped I got in.

A couple days had gone by and I got a call from my agent telling me I got the part and would be meeting the other cast and the crew in the following week. I was very excited to act again. The day of the meeting finally came and I got dressed and headed out with my agent. When we got there I got to meet the director and was given the script and a book of the entire plot of the movie.

When everyone arrived we were all seated in a room where we would be meeting everyone else. The director was called Finn (heh) and they introduced themselves and the crew and started talking about the movie.

I met my fellow actor who was playing my love interest who was Kojiro and he looked pretty hot not going to lie. I mean it as in a compliment. We got along pretty well and met the other cast members. There were also children in this movie; technically teenagers but they were children to me. All of us were immediate friends and got comfortable with each other real quick.

"Well I hope you all had fun today and got the concept of the movie. We'll start rehearsing and filming soon so better be serious then! See you soon everyone." said Finn gaining everyone's attention. They left and then the cast started chatting about getting dinner after. "Can I come?" asked Miya. "No you'll probably get home past your bed time." joked Reki. "You're barely older than him." snickered Langa. The entire room bursted into laughter.

As everything settled down the kids ended up tagging along and we had dinner at a nearby restaurant. The entire time both me and Kojiro were eyeing each other and were checking each other out. I mean he looked amazing and who wouldn't look at him but I didn't expect him to be looking at me. I was still looking at him when our eyes met. I quickly turned away trying to hide my blush and I could hear slight snickers from him.

Whatever I couldn't be bothered with him. I'm the type of person who is in full focus when doing something so I couldn't be disturbed by this.

Time had passed and Kojiro and I were closer than ever. He would flirt with me occasionally after filming and I would sometimes return the energy which would surprise him. Months had passed and a couple of scenes were left to film. All of the remaining scenes included kissing. "Okay before we actually start filming the real deal we need to rehearse the kissing scenes. Kojiro and Kaoru c'mon you two." said Finn.

"Are you excited to finally kiss me?" Kojiro cooed. I scoffed "As if." "C'mon now." he sighed. We were in a room with Finn and a couple of other crew members. "Okay so the setting is Joe and Cherry finally confessed their feelings and they kiss. I would like the both of you to recite your lines and kiss. Would that be okay?" Finn asked. Both of us nodded and prepared for our lines.

It went pretty well and the kiss wasn't bad.

Today was the final day of filming and the last scene. "Action!" yelled out Finn and as the slate clapped Kojiro started "Cherry I've liked you for the longest time and ever since I saw you you've been the only thing on my mind. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?" As I was told to do I started saying my lines "Yes! Yes! Joe I'll go out with you." Then I leaned in for a kiss. The kiss was short but full of affection.

After we pulled away "Cut" was being yelled and the slate clapped once more. "That's a wrap! Thank you everyone for your hard work." said Finn and clapping could be heard. I was tired but was really happy at the same time. "Kaoru!" said someone. I turned around to see Kojiro "Yes?" "I have something to ask you." As he said that he whispered into my ear "Do you want to go on a date with me?" I was dumbfounded and couldn't believe what I was hearing.

As I snapped out of it I nodded my head. "Haha cool! I'll text you." he said before kissing my cheek and waving me goodbye.

Wow I haven't written in a while so it was kinda weird lmao. The pacing was weird but hopefully it's readable. I did a little cameo so that's cool lol. Anyways that's all have an amazing day/night! Love you <33

Words : 890

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