I don't like you (2) 🌸

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This is everything that has happened so far but Joe's Pov! Enjoy :))

Joe's Pov

I like Kaoru. Yes I admit to it. After years of denial I admit to liking him. I finally labeled myself as bisexual and I think I am ready to confess. Every single thing Kaoru does to me my makes my stomach flutter with butterflies. His smile. His laugh. The way he would soften his voice and change the way of speaking whenever we are alone together.

After finding out I liked him I've become a bit more flustered and nervous around him. Right now he's sitting in my restaurant and the boys and Shadow are here too. He seems to be staring off like something is troubling him. I wanted to go ask if he was fine but they started leaving to get ready for "S" later.

I sighed missing my chance of talking to him I thought. I had a half an hour left of my shift before I can start heading out for "S". My thoughts were cut off by someone coming in the restaurant. I had my back turned so I couldn't see who came in. "Hello welcome would you like to be seated?" I asked welcoming. "Haha no thanks, I came to see you cutie."

I was shocked that someone would say that to someone they didn't know but when I turned around to see who it was. Ugh it's Sakura. Normally I wouldn't be mad that women would be all over me but since I've discovered my feelings it's just obnoxious. I've told her multiple times that I wasn't interested but she still doesn't gets it.

"Anyways you're going to 'S' today right?" she said. "Yes but please keep it down. I don't want people knowing my private life." I said. "Anything for you sweetheart. Do you like my hair style by the way?" she asked as she flicked her hair towards me. I looked at her hair seeing she had a low ponytail just like Kaoru's. Every since the first day I met her she has been changing her appearance to look more like Kaoru.

"Umm I think it looks good?" I said as I turned back to what I was doing. "Ok glad you like it. Well I got to go get ready for S. Bye bye hunny." she said as she walked away.

Oh my lord I've told her to stop with these pet names. She doesn't care about my boundaries. I sighed as I continue to clean up. (respect people's boundaries y'all^^)

I said goodbye to my co-worker as I left the building to hop into my car to drive home. I don't really want to go to S today I sighed as I placed my head onto the wheel. I mean I have no choice I have a beef today. Apparently some newby challenged me or something.

I finally got home and got ready. I have to act normal. Act like my usual Joe persona. The flirty, carefree guy. I said as I slapped myself a couple of times. I grabbed my skate board and hopped onto my motorcycle.

I got to the location where S was at and parked my bike. (motorcycle) I took a deep breath before skating towards the entrance. As I entered I could hear scream from people. Sometimes it can get annoying but most of the time I don't mind. They are supporting me after all. After greeting people I began searching for Cherry and the group.

I looked around a bit until my eyes locked onto a particular pink-hair. I skated over to the group and said my hellos. During the entire time of us talking I couldn't look away from Kaoru. The way bits of his hair rested on his face. The way he laugh. In that moment I realised that I wanted to be with him forever.

I snapped back into reality when my name was being called. The race was about to start. I almost skated away before rustling Kaoru's hair a bit before giving him a small grin. I saw him blush before turning away.

I snickered as I skated over to the starting point. The guy I'm racing seemed pretty plain. He had short dark hair and wore glasses. You could see scratches and bruises on him telling how much he had practiced. Poor guy.

The race started and I got the lead. He stood no chance to me. I'm not trying to sound cocky but I'm definitely wining. I did some tricks hoping Kaoru would be impressed with them. Moments later the race had ended and I took the victory. "Good try though. You did well." I said to the guy earning a small nod and a smile.

The boys rushed over to me and Cherry and Shadow could be seen trailing behind them. All of them congratulated me for wining and I thanked them. After the congratulations died down they were talking about some random topics. By now I wanted to pull Kaoru away and confess to him. I was about to say something when Sakura pulled me away.

Oh great."You did so good baby!" screeched Sakura. I've had enough with her. "God how many times do I have to tell you. Enough with the god for saken pet names!" I shouted in frustration. She didn't seem to mind. "Hehe oh well baby we should go on a date." she said unbothered. "Can you leave me alone? I'm not interested." I pleaded. "Hmh fine then. But you have to go on a date with me. Only then I'll leave you alone." she said. "Oh? Just one date right?" I asked. "Yep! But you have to act like my boyfriend on that day." I mean I have dated women before so it wouldn't be a problem and it's just one date. "Ok that's a deal. After the date we'll be nothing more than friends and stop with the names." I replied.

"Okay that's fine. Anyways see you soon babe~" she cooed. Ugh.

After the conversation with Sakura I rush back to the group to look for Cherry but he was nowhere to be found. I asked Reki and Langa if they had seen him. "Well we saw Miya pulling him away to talk or something." both of them said. "Ah okay thank you." I replied. Guess the confession have to wait.

Words : 1073

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