Wedding day 🌸

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Bro imagine how good Cherry would look in a low bun with flowers in them. Like his hair is already pink and with white flowers?? JUST IMAGINE! That's how his hair will look in this story btw^^ Anyways enjoy :))

Cherry's Pov

"Mr. Kaoru the stylist have arrived." said one of my assistant who was helping me with my wedding. "Thank you Amane. You can also get ready too if you want?" I replied turning to look at her. "Oh it's fine sir. I have other things to prepare so I'll just get ready later." she said. I gave her a slight nod as she exited my room.

The stylist later came in putting down her bags. She took out all the hair accessories, all the combs and heating tools and some makeup.

As I sat in front of the vanity she started "How would you like your hair styled?" "You can decide just make sure my hair isn't down." I replied. She gave me a slight hum and started working. As she did I started thinking back to the months that had lead to this following day.

Kojiro just proposed to me at the place where we first met as kids. I couldn't be happier. We shared the news to our friends and family who were all supportive. As we became fiance(s) we started planning for the wedding. We chose the venue, the date, the cake, the flowers, the decor and the people who were invited. All the decorations and where things were supposed to be were decided by a wedding planner and Amane.

As I was thinking back the stylist called out my name telling me that she was done. I looked at the mirror seeing how my hair was neatly tucked into a low bun and bits of hair falling on my face. The back of my hair had white flowers and gems lining up starting from the side to the back. My hair looked beautiful.

I went to the bathroom where my suit hanged from one of the hooks. It was a white button up and a light pink suit. I also had a pink tie. I carefully put on the suit trying not to ruin my hair. I finished with the buttons and put the suit part of the outfit.

I walked out of the bathroom looking at the full body length mirror in my room. I was staring at myself looking to fix any imperfections when the stylist started "Mr Kaoru would you like anything else done?" "Could you do my eyes? Like eyeliner?" She nodded and pulled out the tube of eyeliner. I went back to sit in front of the vanity and she came closer.

I closed my eyes so it could be easier to do. A couple minutes had passed and she pulled away meaning she was done. I opened my eyes seeing a thin line around my eyes. It was almost fox liked. I thanked the stylist for everything she had done. She left my room to help other people.

Time had passed and it was finally time for the wedding ceremony. I still can't believe I'm getting married. I was waiting behind closed doors and I could hear muffled talking and wedding music. All the groomsmen, flower girls and the ring boy had gone out and I was the only one left. I was getting nervous and I started fidgeting with my hands. Then it was finally my time to come out. The doors swinged open and everyone looked back to look at me. Right at the end Kojiro could be seen waiting and looking directly at me. He had a green suit and his hair was tucked back into a ponytail.

I began walking towards him and along the way people were staring at me. I finally made it to the end and both of us faced each other. "You look good Kaoru~" he whispered. "You don't look too bad yourself too." I smirked. He started leaning into me until Shadow who was the officiant smacked him on the shoulder telling him not yet.

The crowd erupts in light chuckles. I laughed a bit myself too. After the commotion Shadow started with "Welcome, loved ones. We are gathered here today to join Kojiro Nanjo and Kaoru Sakurayashiki with their wedding. Please face each other as you declare these vows to one another. Kaoru, you may start." As he said that I got nervous again but looking at Kojiro gave me affirmation and cleared my throat. (I'll skip the vows since idk how to write them. I apologize.)

"You may now kiss the groom." said Shadow. Both of us leaned in and our lips touched. We pulled away moments later and everyone cheered. Our foreheads were still touching and were looking at each other. I chuckled lightly and whispered "Guess we are married now." He then said "Guess we are."

That's it everybody! I apologize since the wedding might not be accurate since I've been to only one and I don't quite remember. And also I wasn't sure if it should be groomsmen for both but hopefully it made sense. Still hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day. Love you <33

Words : 875

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