Dancing in the rain 🌸

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Teenage MatchaBlossom? Teenager MatchaBlossom? Idfk anyways enjoy!

Cherry's Pov

Me and Kojiro just finished school and now we were walking to our usual skating spot. We usually skate under a bridge alone with the view of a river which is relaxing to look at. (Ad*m won't be included since ew.) We finally got there and Kojiro skated ahead with me behind.

Time skip cause I know nothing about skating 😘

A couple of hours went by of doing tricks and messing with each other and we decided to get ready to go home since it was getting late. Kojiro insisted on walking me home and I couldn't say no. We were just walking in comfortable silence when drops of rain started pouring down. It wasn't a thunderstorm rainfall but just calm drops of water but just enough to get you drenched.

We got wet and Kojiro was looking for places to get shelter until the rain stops but before he could I said "Dance with me Kojiro!" He just looked at me in awe and started coming closer.

We waltzed, slow danced and just overall had the time of our lives. Before we know it the rain stopped and we decided to finally get home.

"Take a shower and get dry!" said Kojiro before we parted ways.

Pretty short but hopefully you enjoyed! The next part will come out soon if I have an idea/have motivation to write. Anyways feedback and voting would be much appreciated! Love y'all and stay safe <33

Words: 256

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