Morning Sunshine 🌸

478 11 16

My titles are getting worse by each chapter lmao. Oh and sorry for the lack of updates been having no motivation to do anything at all but anyways Enjoy :))

Joe's Pov

I opened my eyes since I could feel the sunshine shining on my face. I groaned trying to get up but was pushed right back down by a heavy mass on top of me. I tried to wake myself up a bit more by waiting until I came to my senses. I realized it was Kaoru who was on top on me. I awed at sight of the adorable man on top of me.

I am glad I wake up earlier than Kaoru sometimes. Times like this is when I can see him sleeping peacefully. His hair is down and all over his face so I tucked some bits so I could see him properly. He sleep talks sometimes and hearing him say stuff in his sleep is adorable. Watching people sleep is definitely not weird, if it's your own boyfriend of course. (it def is weird)

"Ughh. Kojiro don't leave me." He groaned. "Hmm? Baby I won't leave you I promise. I'm just going to go make us breakfast mkay?" I said as I move him off of me so I could get my day started.

I brushed my teeth and got dressed before going down stairs to get breakfast started. I debated on making eggs and bacon or pancakes but finally decided on pancakes.

I pour the mix into a bowl and cracked two eggs in with a splash of milk. I stir the batter until there weren't any chunks left. I turned the stove on and sprayed the pan with oil to grease it.

I made the pancakes into hearts since I thought they looked cute. The pancakes were done cooking, they were not to brown and was just the perfect golden color. I stacked up two of the pancakes onto a plate and drizzled some syrup and topped it with butter and other fruits laying around.

I just got done plating both of our plates until I felt hand snaking around my waist. I was surprised at first but then realized they were Kaoru's.

I turned around and placed a kiss on his head and said "Morning Sunshine. Want breakfast?" He nodded still trying to wake up. I guided him to the table and placed his plate in front of him.

We both ate in comfortable silence with the occasional asking if it was good and other stuff.

Okay that's it!! And thank you for 900+ reads???? WHAT? THANK YOU SO MUCH!! WTFFF? ANYWAYS HAVE AN AMAZING DAY LOVE Y'ALL SM <33 MWAH 😻

Words : 447

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