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Shitty title but sick Joe again. Enjoy :))

Tw // throwing up (not much detail)

Joe's Pov

I have been busy all day at the restaurant since we were coming up with a new menu since the old one wasn't the best. New menu means new food. Which means a lot of food to cook and taste test. The restaurant was closed today since the entire day was spent taste testing, cooking and discussing about the menu.

At the end I might have regretted eating way too much food. Saff couldn't finish it so most of it was eaten by me and some were taken home by them. I've been nauseous the entire day and I'm surprised I haven't thrown up yet.

Oh well time to go home. I locked everything up still feeling like shit. I finally got home but still having to pull over once in a while to get some air. Once I pulled into my driveway I had the urge of throwing everything up that I've eaten today. I bolted through the front door without bothering to say hi to Kaoru. I just made it in time and I could hear Kaoru asking what was wrong. Moments later I could feel Kaoru's hands rubbing my back.

"Oh love, you okay?" he asked concerned. I couldn't answer so I just shook my head while I continue throwing up. Minutes later I felt a bit better so I sat up to rinse my mouth.

"Are you okay?" Kaoru asked again. I just shook my head and leaned into Kaoru for a hug. "Awhh bubs" he sighed. (bubs ☠️)

"Okay well we should go somewhere a bit more comfortable." he chuckled. We moved over to the living room and I took a seat. I leaned back rubbing my temples. God not a headache. I rested my eyes a bit. I could hear the sound of cups clanging and the fridge door opening. Moments later I could feel the couch sink beside me and Kaoru saying "Babe here drink this." "Huh? What is it?" I asked reaching for the glass. "It's a sports drink. It'll help you feel better." he replied. I nodded and took sips of the drink.

"Is there anything I can help you with? Are you hurting any where?" he asked. I chuckled and reached my hands over to his cheek to cup it. "Love thank you. I'm not hurting any where. Just had too much to eat and I have a headache. I'll take a tylenol and go to bed." I replied. He was still frowning so I kissed his forehead and said "let's go to bed?" He nodded and we headed upstairs.

As we got ready for bed I took my medicine and crawled into bed. Since Kaoru was already in bed I cuddled up with him. He placed his book on the night stand and took his glasses off. He sighed and hugged me back. Before falling asleep I said "love you." I could hear a soft "love you too." for Kaoru as I was falling asleep. What did I do to deserve him.

That's it!! Pretty short but hopefully you enjoyed. I had to switch up pet names since I used "love" way too much lmao. Anyways hope you have a great day/night. Love you all so much <33

Words : 557

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