touched starved 🌸

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Bro I'm so fucking touched starved rn but anyways here is a short ass chapter for not updating in a while LMFAO.

Cherry's Pov

Joe hasn't been paying attention to me all day! It's been "Sorry I got to go." "Sorry love I have to take this." "I have to finish this baby.". Of course I know he's busy with work and his restaurant but I really want his attention. I have been pacing around my room bored with nothing to do.

I could watch TV or read a book but its lonely without Kojiro. He has been in his office all day discussing about a collaboration with another restaurant.
I would go in time to time to bring him coffee or something to eat or just ask if he's doing well. He says he's okay but I know he's stressing and don't want to be a disturbance to him.

The day went by very slow and finally Joe came out of his office. He wraps his hand around my waist to pull me into a hug. I of course turn back to have a good look at him. He leaned in a bit and gave me a peck on the lips. "Had a long day?" I asked. "Mhm." he just nodded. "Haha okay let's go upstairs" I said as I dragged him up the stairs into our room.

We plopped onto the bed and we cuddled for the rest of the day.

It's short and sweet but hope you enjoyed. Been having no motivation to write lately so chapters might take a while but anyways have a great day/night everyone <33

Words : 275

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